Chapter 55

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It was a couple more hours before they let us all go back home. Our room slowly grew the crowd as when each of the legends got back they wanted to check in with the rest of us. It started with Octavio coming back to check on Mirage. He was followed by Ajay who then attracted Bangalore who had Pathfinder and Moaka with her. Shortly after Caustic made his way into the room and was greeted with a giant bear hug from Gibraltar.

Bloodhound and Mirage were the most injured of everyone, both of them still in bed as the small room began to fill up. Octane had jumped into onto Mirage's bed, lying beside him and I had awkwardly sat myself on the edge of Bloodhound's to give my chair to someone else. I was surprised when Hound still wanted to hold my hand, despite the amount of legends in the room. A few of them had looked at us but thankfully they kept their words to themselves. Wattson was the last to walk into the room where we all had gathered.

"The respawns are timed out. They pulled everyone still alive off of the island," she said, between sniffles; clear she had been crying. It was silent in the room.

"How many?" Bloodhound was the first to ask.

"Eight." I felt my heart get heavy. A champion game was supposed to have no real casualties, and yet...

"Who?" Ajay was next to ask. Natalie rattled off a few names, only a few were ones I recognized. Part of me began to feel bad for not getting to know the other legends I was fighting against. Another part began to feel bad that I was glad it was none of my friends that had permanently died. I felt Bloodhound squeeze my hand and I pulled myself out of my thoughts, squeezing their hand back.

"Can we go home yet?" I finally asked, after a few more minutes of silence.

"Soon. They're just trying to clear the press." I nodded, from what I had heard the EMP that took the tower down had also shut down all of the cameras, meaning the public had no idea what had happened next. I thought about the legends who had died for good and how everyone would react. Their fans, their friends, family...

"We're going to get going,"  Bangalore said, interrupting my thoughts and the silence that had fell upon the room. She grabbed Ajay's hand and the two of them made their way towards the door. "Get some rest everyone."

Slowly the crowd in the room began to dwindle until it was just the four of us again, still waiting on the doctors go ahead for Bloodhound and Mirage to go home.

"What do you think happens next?" I asked to no one in particular. "With the games?"

"Maybe they'll finally give us a vacation," Mirage piped up.

"Boring," his boyfriend chipped in.

"Oh c'mon! We could do some sight seeing!"

"In Solace?"

"I could use a vacation," I interrupted.

"Didn't you just have one?" Mirage asked. I shrugged and looked over to Bloodhound.

"Maybe this time we could have a Star Wars marathon."

"Star Wars?" they questioned.

"Oh yeah, you're going to love it. This time we should go to my place though, Mirage's T.V is a lot bigger and it's a rule you have to watch Star Wars on the biggest T.V possible." I heard Bloodhound laugh a little under their helmet.

"Is it now?"

"Oh yeah. Darth Vadar deserves the whole screen."


Mirage and Octane decided to come with us back to Mirage's after a long discussion about the cleanness of Octane's place. I had even convinced Mirage to give the first Star Wars movie a try, all of us wanting to take our minds off of what had happened in the arena today.

We were just walking up to the house when we saw someone sitting on the front step to Mirage's house, who jumped up when she saw us walking up.

"Wraith?" Mirage was the first to say.

"Thank God," she said running up to us, giving Mirage and then me a quick hug. "What happened? I was watching the game and-"

"You were worried about us?" Mirage interrupted, grinning smugly.

"Don't flatter yourself," Wraith replied, rolling her eyes. "Was it the IMC?"

"We don't know," I said as the five of us now walked inside the house.

"Well who else would want to destroy what's inside the arena?"

"You'd be surprised felegi," Bloodhound said, piping into the conversation. "There's a lot of people who would like to see the games fall." Wraith opened her mouth to say something but I saw her eyes drift down to Bloodhound's hand, which was still holding mine.

"Is this a thing now?" I felt my face flush red,


"Yes," Bloodhound said.

"How long have I been gone?"


The next few days were spent doing nothing other than watching T.V. Wraith ended up staying as we watched the first movie and her, Mirage, and Octane liked it enough that they stayed to watch the rest of the marathon. There was no news from any of the Apex officials so the five of us lived in our own little world for those few days, none of us wanting to interact with the world outside.

They still had no idea who had taken down the tower. All we knew was that the games were going to be on hold until they could figure out what to do next. There was some talk of them fixing the arena, while others talked about them creating a new one all together. Whatever happened, it wa going to be a fair amount of time before there were any more games.

I couldn't help but feel a little sad about the fact that this had gotten in the way of Wraith's and my search for answers about those who froze us, and what they had done to us after. Whether it had actually been the IMC that planned the attack of not, someone had succeeded in delaying our efforts, putting both Wraith and I at unease, with the thought about the IMC making another attempt at attacking us seem more inevitable.

It was a couple more days before those worries were gone, having asked Bangalore and Pathfinder to keep checking the IMC channels for updates on what they wanted with us. Well it was still unclear if they had orchestrated the attack on Repulser, they seemed pleased with the fact that Wraith and I were no longer digging around in their files. It seemed like we had actually caught a break for once.

Once Mirage was feeling better and the marathon had ended, him and Octane had taken off, claiming to be wanting to take advantage of the break from the games. Last I had heard Mirage had even started working back at his bar again, seeming more bored than Octane was with the lack of activity.

Bloodhound and I had yet to leave each others side, though once they were feeling better we also had started trying to find activities to pass the time. They had even insisted we have an official date night. Turns out they were a lot more romantic than they appeared, planning a whole picnic in their favourite spot in the woods. And for the first time in a long time, I was happy. Truly happy.

Then the phone rang.

"Hey kid!" Mirage exclaimed. "Did you hear the news? We're moving to another planet!"


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