Chapter 38

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Bloodhound had decided it would be best if we waited at the bottom of the stairs for the enemy to come to us. I decided to listen as they knew more than me and I felt I had already annoyed them with the Pokémon theme song and I didn't want to piss them off further. Wattson was still in the side room sitting in front of the computers, claiming she was just finishing up. I had holstered my Wingman and was now weidling an Alternator, I snapped in an extended light mag just as the sound of boots could be heard descending the staircase.

The team walking down was talking in hushed voices, making me think that they didn't know we were down here. Maybe for once I didn't give away our location. Hound and I were perched behind one of the big electrical boxes in the room while Natalie had scooted over on the floor so she couldn't be seen through the glass immediately.

"Got another one of those fence things," one of the enemies said as they walked closer to us. I looked to Bloodhound and saw that they now had a knife in their hand instead of a gun.

"Go take it down, will you?" a second voice replied. I held my breath as the first person started walking closer and closer to us. Their guard was down and once they had walked past us Bloodhound reached and yanked them back all while sending their knife through the others skull. My eyes went wide as they lowered the body onto the ground without making a sound. "What's taking so long?" the second voice asked a few seconds later. "Bud?"

"Shit," the third and final member of the squad said. "He's dead, look!" I could hear them glancing at the screens on their wrists. The second person cursed and I could hear the both of them ready their weapons. I looked back to Bloodhound who caught my gaze and nodded. They held up a hand and on their fingers began counting down. Once their last finger went down I followed their lead and jumped out behind cover. We each had an enemy on our side and it didn't take us long till both of them were down, neither of us getting injured in the process.

"Good work," Bloodhound said to me. I gave them a thumbs up as Natalie walked out of the room she was in.

"We are ready to go," she said with a grin.


We had to jog to make it into the next ring which was close to Bunker. We hadn't seen any other enemies so we decided to take our time walking to the next ring.

"Attention," the announcer boomed overhead. "There is a new kill leader." I looked up to one of the giant banners on one of the rocks and saw Mirage. I shook my head.

"Oh, so I still need to be the one who kills him, BTW." Bloodhound looked at me. "By the way," I quickly added, remembering our talk about acronyms.

"Are you two still having that little competition?" Natalie asked.

"Yeah, and I'm winning one to zero, I'd rather keep it that way. Like, if he's about to kill me, I would really appreciate if you guys could help me out a little. But like, if it's one of his other teammates, don't worry about me." Bloodhound shook their head and Natalie laughed a little.

"What is up with the two of you by the way?" Natalie asked a second later.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well you are dating, aren't you?" My eyes went wide,

"What?! No! God no!" I exclaimed, probably a little louder than I should have. Natalie looked over at me and raised her eyebrows, doubting me. "There's like, so many reasons why we are not dating!" I went on.

"You aren't dating?" Bloodhound interrupted. I looked over at them, bewildered,

"What?! "Really? You to?!" Bloodhound shrugged and Natalie laughed,

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