Chapter 71

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The next few days went by rather slow. Even though my shoulder was feeling better, I still wasn't allowed to go anywhere or to do anything other than sit at home. Bloodhound and my friends did their best to entertain me over these days, but no movie marathon could keep my mind off of the events that had happened that day in Sorting Factory.

The man, or robot, whatever he was, was still on a killing spree. A couple more Hammond employees had been taken out and though the games wouldn't tell us who did it, we all knew. It was starting to put all of the legends on edge, all of them wondering how close he was from slaughtering legends. Afterall, we were being complicit, for the most part, in what Hammond was doing to the new arena. From Bloodhound's explanation and worry, I could tell that this Planet Harvester was no good thing.

"Sly!" a voice interrupted my thinking. "Red or yellow?" I looked over to Mirage who was holding up two shirts.

"Uhh... Yellow?"

"The yellow?! It's an autograph session, not a strip club!"

"Okay... Red?"

"Red?! I'm not on The Bachelor!"

"Wait, they still make that-"

"I like the red, Amor," Octane interrupted. I put my hands up in defeat, only causing myself to wince at the pain in my shoulder. Mirage laughed a little at my misery before throwing me the sling I was supposed to still have around my arm. Then, he went back into his room to change. "Sucks you have to miss the session, amiga," Octane said to me as he waited for Mirage.

"Oh yeah. I'm devastated," I replied, my voice monotone. Octane rolled his eyes.

"Boring! All of you!" he gestured to the room, which was me, Bloodhound, and Bangalore. "How do you two even get out of these things?" he asked the others.

"I believe Mr. Young is afraid of me," Bloodhound replied, causing me and Bangalore to laugh.

"I've threatened him a few times," Bangalore answered.

"Tav! Are you ready to go?" Mirage called out. "Stop making fun of Sly! She's injured!"

"You want to see me kick your ass while still in a sling?"

"I'd like to see that," Bangalore mumbled. Mirage rolled his eyes.

"We'll see you all tomorrow. Sly, try to keep yourself in one piece?"

"No guarantees." The pair got into the elevator and headed down to the lobby to meet the rest of the legends already there signing photos of themselves. Bangalore grabbed the remote and began to flip through T.V channels. Bloodhound came to sit down beside me and I quickly curled up next to them. Bangalore paused her browzing and looked at the two of us, curiously.

"Is there something you would like to say?" Bloodhound asked, noticing Bangalore's gaze. She shook her head.

"I didn't expect this," she gestured to the two of us. "But, I can see it." And with that, she went back to trying to find something to watch. Turns out the station she had been looking for was the news. It was playing another story about the murder robot on the loose. I sighed and closed my eyes, only for a brief second.


My eyes sprung open, another nightmare about being frozen having crept it's way into my mind. I was back in my bed, or rather Bloodhound's bed, and rolled over, wanting to get myself closer to Bloodhound, craving their warmth, when I noticed something on the roof. A pair of orange, glowing eyes.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed, scrambling to sit up, to look for something to defend myself with. But the figure on the roof had now jumped down onto the bed, pinning me down. My breathing had gotten rapid, he was here to finish the job, wasn't he? I spun my head, looking for Bloodhound to help, but their side of the bed was empty. This only made my panic double. I opened my mouth to scream, but before I had the chance, his metallic hand covered my mouth.

"Relax," the eerie voice spoke, his other hand holding a finger up to where his lips would be. "They're fine." I glanced to the Artur's empty cage to see a note taped on. Bloodhound had gone hunting. "You will be too. If you can answer my questions." I slowly nodded, and he removed his hand and sat back further on the bed. I remained silent, not wanting to say anything, though I did bring the blankets up to my chest. "Why can't I kill you?"


"I had meant to kill you. Shoot you in the head. End your miserable existence."


"I know who you are. I'm not sure how, there's no memories. Just, the idea of you."

"I mean, that's kind of where I'm at to bro." I mumbled. Apparently, the robot didn't like this response and soon the blade was back on my throat. I put my hands up. "I was experimented on by Hammond," I quickly explained. "Like, three hundred years ago."

"With me?"

"Yes. No. Well, the only other 'project' there was also a human..." At this the creature grunted.

"Hammond decided that I didn't need my skinsuit anymore," he muttered. "We were... friends?" he practically spat the word out.

"Kind of? I guess, I don't really remember. I remember you telling me-"

"That is not me anymore!" he snarled, causing me to jump. I forced myself to take a deep breath, I could tell I was walking on very thin ice.

"Okay, uh, I remember... him, promising to help me escape. That's all I know." The creature sitting on my bed crossed his long, metal arms.

"Which I did," he muttered, emphasizing the I.

"Why?" I blurted out. He cocked his head to the side.

"I had learned about a Hammond facility back on that grimmy planet you call Earth. It had nothing for me, so I tore it down. Guess you popped out." I slowly nodded.

"A-are you going to kill me?" This made the machine laugh. It sounded deep, gutterol.

"Eventually. They're going to let me kill all of you. Over and over."

"Wha-" I cut myself off as I realized. "They're letting you into the games. Aren't they?" I don't know why I felt so surprised. The murder had done wonders for putting the games in the spotlight once again. It made sense that the organizers would want to jump on the chance of getting someone so... so him, to participate.

"I just had to make sure that whatever he thought about you wouldn't get in the way." I remained silent. "See you in the arena Jordan."

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