Chapter 68

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"What do you have to say about Forge's comments about you?" a reporter asked the second I walked out of the Apex Complex, having been just respawned after the days match. I had been paired with Pathfinder and Octane, both of who wanted to drop hotzone, neither of them who were around me with the other team that dropped with us.

"Uh...," I mumbled, looking around at all of the cameras, wondering why they weren't interviewing the winning team. It had been a few days since the announcement of Forge and all of his comments, I was pretty sure he had even made a few more, but none of us legends had been out in public. Not that there was much to do on Talos anyway. The reporters kept looking at me, reaching the microphones as close to my face as possible. "Well, I think John Cena over there is underestimating the power of Queen, that's for sure," I said with a laugh.


"What?" Multiple reporters asked at the same time. I sighed.

"Bohemian Rhapsody?" the reporters shook their heads. "Oh. Well. Um," I thought for a second; clearly, none of them were satisfied with my answer. "I just worry Forge doesn't actually realize what he's getting into, you know? Back in my time, what he did was all make-believe, so I think someone needs to tell him we are going to kill each other, for real." This answer seemed to satisfy the hungry reporters. They turned their attention to another legend walking out of the complex, so I took my cue and snuck off, wanting to get back home before I got stopped by anyone else.

"Sly!" a voice called out behind me. "Wait up!"

"Hey Mirage," I slowed down my pace so he could catch up. "Thought you'd be chatting with the cameras."

"Ah, well, no. Forge didn't personally roast me the other day, and my team placed fifth so..."

"At least you lived longer than a minute." Mirage chuckled a little.

"Yeah, I heard you got abandoned, died to a what, RE-45?"

"Excuse you! First, it wasn't their fault I got stranded upon landing and second... It was a P2020...." This made Mirage laugh even harder, patting me on the back as he did so.

"We've all been there, kid, don't sweat it. But I mean, it could have been worse."

"Yeah, you could've killed me," I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"Hey!" Now I laughed. "I totally would have had you that one game if the new guy didn't steal my kills."

"I'm sure," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Haven't seen much of you lately" Mirage went on as we walked back to the housing unit. "What have you been doing? Besides Bloodhound?" he said with a smirk.

"Mirage!" I exclaimed, only causing him to laugh.

"What?" he laughed. "I mean I imagine it's most likely the other way around but-"


"Am I wrong?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Well-" I started. "I-"

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, I know I may not give off that vibe, but sometimes I'll let Tav-"

"Topic change!" I practically shouted. "How are you doing since the move?"

"Oh, you know... fine."

"Mirage, I can see you frowning." He didn't say anything. "I know it must be hard for you between the house, the bar, and..." I trailed off, realizing I was approaching an emotional subject. "Are you holding up?" He nodded a few times.

"Yeah... I have someone checking on her every day and getting groceries and stuff, so that's good." I nodded. "It's fine. I'm fine. We don't need to talk about it."

"Okay," I offered him a smile. "If you ever want to."

"I know," Mirage grinned as well. "Thanks, Sly." We walked a few more steps in silence. "You know I think my conversation choice was much more exciting if you want we could go back to-"

"I think I'll pass."

"Are you sure? I bet I could give you some pointers if you-"

"No, thank you."

"Not even-"



"I'm good."

"Sly! Mirage!" Another voice called out as we approached the housing complex.

"Oh, thank God," I mumbled. "Mr. Young!" I waved to the person waiting for us.

"Please, Jacob is fine."

"What's up?" Mirage asked for me.

"I just wanted to confirm your presence at the interview tonight."

"Is that tonight?!" Mirage exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, the what?"

"They're coming in to interview Forge and wanted a few legends to be there for some photos... Elliott, you said you would pass the message along." Mirage faked a grin. "Well, the ship to the arena is leaving at five. They want to do the interview inside Sorting Factory for some reason," Jacob sighed. "Just be on the ship." And with that, he took off, probably to go remind someone else about the event tonight.

"How long have you known about this?" I asked Mirage.

"Uhh, only a few days." I opened my mouth to complain, but he held a finger up. "In my defence, that night you were off in the forest or whatever doing... well, that would bring us back to that other conversation..." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to get ready." Mirage laughed again as we walked into the building. I made my way up to my room, where a person was waiting for me. "Hey, Babe," I said to Bloodhound, giving them a quick kiss on their mask before unlocking my door. They followed me inside,

"The weather is looking nice tonight, I was thinking we could head outside, maybe do a picnic and... why are you making that face?" I sighed.

"Apparently, I have to go watch this Forge guy do an interview."

"Ah, I did hear about that."

"Think I could bail without anyone noticing?" Bloodhound shook their head. "I don't even have anything nice to wear," I said, flopping myself onto the couch, face first. "And I still want to punch this dude in the face." This made Bloodhound chuckle.

"Would you like me to come with you?" they asked. "Make sure no punches are thrown?" I tilted my head to look at them,

"You don't have to. I know you don't like doing things around the press."

"I would not mind. They will be focused on Forge anyways. And besides, I wouldn't want to miss a chance to see you in that lovely jumpsuit you have." I rolled my eyes.

"Alright," I sat myself up. "I suppose it could be fun. And if not, we could always sneak away to somewhere else in the arena..." I wiggled my eyebrows. "God, I'm sorry, I let Mirage get into my head." Bloodhound tilted their head. "Be glad he's too scared of you to ask about your sex life."


"What should I do with my hair?" I interrupted. My hair had grown quite a bit since I first joined the games. "Maybe I should just wear the Spider-Man mask."

"I can braid it if you like." I nodded, and they sat down beside me.

"Are you sure we can't bail from this thing?" I asked a few minutes later. Bloodhound laughed a little,

"I'm sure. It shouldn't take long."

"I guess. One interview, right? What's the worst that could happen?"


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