Chapter 28

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The ship began to land just outside of Airbase. It was just behind the tiny village on the one side of Bunker. The ring location had been revealed and it was all the way over by Bridges, meaning we had quite the run in front of us. The three of us had exchanged weapons and I was now weilding a Flatline and an Re-45. Zip lines began to stretch out across the supply ship and I looked over to my team,

"The ring is going to be moving in four minutes," Bangalore said. "We need to get moving. Now." I nodded and followed her off of the zipline headed towards the small cluster of buildings, Bloodhound behind us. I looked around at the buildings and saw that all of the doors had been swung open.

"Looks like they've been here already," I said, pointing out the obvious.

"Recently as well," Bloodhound mentioned. "Can't be more than a minute." I looked over at them,

"How can you even tell that?!" Instead of answering Bloodhound took off jogging, towards the lower end of the area, Bangalore following behind them. I shook my head and followed behind. As we neared the buildings, weapons ready, Bangalore held her arm out and put a fist up. I didn't think much of it and as I walked past I gave her a fist bump. I neared the door to the building and was instantly greeted with an Eva-8 firing into my chest.

Thankfully, the shot hit my shields and knocked me back, however the person wielding the shotgun fired again and I felt the bullet pierce through my right leg. I cursed as I stumbled to the ground. As I fell I felt someone grab the back of my suit and drag me behind the building.

"What the Hell was that?!" Bangalore yelled at me. Before giving me a chance to reply she had taken off again into the house. I reached into my backpack in search of a syringe but came up empty handed.

Inside the house there were a lot of shots being fired, I had no clear idea on who was winning. I knew that I needed to go and help so I forced myself to stand up. I figured the best way to move without using my leg was to use my stickiness so just using my hands and one of my legs I crawled onto the side of the building and went in through the window. Once I was inside I could make out what was happening and realized that yes I was here, but I did not have my weapons out. There was only one enemy left standing and Bloodhound was reloading their weapon. I couldn't see Bangalore. The enemy was about to fire at Bloodhound so I made a rash decision and flung myself off of the wall and onto the enemy. Both of us clattered to the ground, but not before the enemy fired their shot into my stomach. I saw Bloodhound run up to us and they picked me up and practically threw me off of the enemy so they could put the last bullet in the guys head. I rolled myself over and groaned. Bloodhound was shaking their head,

"Drittstøvel," they muttered under their breath.

"What?" I asked as they crouched down in front of me with a med kit.

"I called you a Drittstøvel," Bloodhound said.

"Oh," I nodded as they finished applying the med kit on the bullet hole in my stomach. "Is that a compliment?"

"Sly what the Hell?!" Bangalore exclaimed as she walked into the room. As she did I noticed a bit of blood trickling down the side of her head.


"I told you to stop out there."

"You did?" I thought I heard Bloodhound chuckle a little as Bangalore put a hand on her face. She did the same hand signal she had done outside the house.

"This means stop you fucking moron." My eyes went wide.

"Oh," I said, drawing out the word. "So you probably don't want another fist bump then huh?" She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

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