Chapter 15

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I woke up in a room that resembled a hospital. I groaned and rolled over in the bed I was in, my lungs still sore.

"There she is!" Mirage exclaimed, having watching me stir. "That gas really did a number on you!" I carefully sat up,

"Did I-?"

"Die?" Mirage finished for me. "Nope! They got to you in time after I killed Casutic."

"Awe, I was kinda hoping I would've died." Mirage tilted his head. "I'm curious!"

"Little weird, but okay." I grinned a little.

"So my plan worked?" Mirage was holding back a smile.

"It did." I did a fist pump. "Once Wraith took off his mask he came stumbling out of the door only to meet my peacekeeper." I grinned.

"Where is she by the way?" I asked looking around the room I was in.

"She tends to disappear afterwards. Think she just needs some space, she'll be back by the time we leave." I nodded.

"I can't believe we actually won." I said. "So now what?" Mirage grinned.

"I didn't mention this before but we usually have another party after the game." I groaned. "No! It's fun! A lot more casual than the dinner party. We really just watch the game together." I nodded before I started coughing, my lungs still hurting. Mirage noticed.

"I'll go see if Caustic is awake yet. He usually has some sort of remedy for that afterwards." I nodded and Mirage left the room, leaving me alone. I put my head against the backboard of the bed I was in, I couldn't believe that we had actually pulled it off. My mind started to drift off to ideas of what I was going to do next when there was a knock on the door. I lifted my head up.

"Caustic!" I said while coughing. He was lurking in the doorway, when I looked at him I couldn't help but notice he wasn't wearing a shirt. I awkwardly looked away. "You're-" I started.


"I was going to say shirtless," I said jokingly, I looked back and couldn't help but notice he was much more buff than I would've imagined.

"Ah yes, well they did just revive me." I nodded while awkwardly looking away again,

"Right," I said drawing out the word, trying not to make this conversation any more awkward than it already was. "Mirage send you?"

"I have not seen him since he shot me." I opened my mouth to say something but I wasn't sure how to talk to this man. "This is for you," he took a step into the room and handed me what resembled an inhaler. "It will help your lungs." I looked at it.

"It's not more poison gas?"

"Well since the respawn is still in your system I have to admit I did think about finishing the job." My eyes went wide. "That was a joke," he said without changing his serious tone of voice.

"Right," I said again as I hesitantly took the vial. "Thanks-" I started but when I looked back up Caustic was already gone. I shook my head and looked down at the medicine. "Well the respawn is still in my system," I mumbled to myself as I inhaled the medication. Instantly I felt the pain lift from my chest. I took a deep breath and soon I felt little pain at all.

"I can't find him!" Mirage exclaimed as he walked back into the room. I held up the inhaler he had given me.

"I did." Mirage shook his head. "Also, he is surprisingly ripped." I added, commenting on the fact that he had not been wearing a shirt.

"I know, right!" I looked at him and squinted my eyes.

"How do you know that?" Mirage's face flushed red.

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