Chapter 51

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This time the limo ride to the arena felt a lot different than my last champion game. Last time I was anxious about all the people going to be watching me and my performance in the games. This time I was anxious about the fact that Bloodhound was sitting in the seat right beside me and hadn't had more than three words to say to me. Luckily Mirage was a good buffer and was rambling on about something while he fixed his hair in the camera on his cell phone.

"How do I look?" he finally asked.

"Like an idiot," I said with a smirk, recalling our last champion match.

"At least I'm not the one in a kids costume," he replied back, smiling as well. "We all remember the plan?" Mirage asked a second later. I nodded,

"Wattson's team is landing at Bunker to look for information for me and Wraith. We're going into the buildings across from them and towards Cascades to hopefully keep a fight away from them." The night before we had planned out how we were going to go about making the champion game seem less suspicious in terms of looking for our information on who in the IMC experimented on Wraith and I. Since Wattson had the best cover story for digging around in the servers we decided it would be best if only one team would be looking for these. However, some of the lesser known legends had started picking up on our plans, at least according to the social media Mirage loved to scour and we had a suspicion that some of them may try to use it to get a jump on us. That way if we were somewhat close to where Wattson was hacking we could keep any fights away from her. The limo pulled up to the red carpet and Mirage looked over at me and then to Bloodhound.

"We ready?" he asked. I nodded and took a deep breath, getting ready to put on an act. Mirage got out of the car first and held the door open for Bloodhound and I and then put an arm around each of our shoulders to guide us through the reporters. My stomach was starting to feel uneasy as all the cameras around me were flashing and lots of people were yelling my name. I took another deep breath and let Mirage keep guiding me until we were face to face with the reporter that we had to talk to.

"Sly, Bloodhound, and Mirage!" the reporter exclaimed in an over exaggerated tone. "How are we doing today?"

"Doing great!" Mirage replied back. "I think I can speak for all of us when I say we are excited for today's match!" I held back the urge I had to smack Mirage and instead kept smiling at the cameras.

"And Sly," the reporter said turning to me. "Do you feel like you're ready for a match this big after you took a few weeks off?"

"Absolutely!" I exclaimed, trying to mimic Mirage's and the reporter's excited tone. "I think I'm a lot more prepared than I was for the last champion game that's for sure! I even have a few more tricks up my sleeve!" This caused the reporter to laugh,

"Well I can't wait to see them!" and with that statement we took off, Mirage still guiding into the buildings.

"Tricks up your sleeve?" Mirage asked once we were out of the way of the cameras. I flashed him a grin before I put my mask over my head.

"You'll see." Mirage tilted my head. "What? I had some time to myself this week since no one wanted to train and worked out a few strategies!"

"Do you not think it useful to inform your teammates of these strategies?" Bloodhound asked, speaking up for the first time since we had entered the limo.

"Do you not think it useful to train with your team?" I quipped back before actually thinking about the words I spoke. I was glad I had the mask on my face so they couldn't see the fact that I felt bad about that statement and took off to get my respawn. We loaded onto our ship with the competition and took a spot beside Wattson's team which was made up of her, Octane, and Bangalore. As we neared the jump point, I looked over at Wattson and she grinned while giving me a thumbs up. Her team was going to be jumping first and as they made their way to the exit of the ship Mirage grabbed Octane and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I saw Octane blush under his mask and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"We ready to go?" Mirage asked a second later, having watched his boyfriend jump off. I nodded and together the three of us jumped, heading towards the river outside Bunker. We split off as we neared the ground, each of us taking a different building to look for loot. I managed to grab myself a flatline and a blue body shield before running back outside to see a team firing at the doors of Bunker. Since I was the closest I made the rash decision to start shooting at that team to try and get them away from Wattson's team. A plan that worked far better in my head as a second later I had all three firing at me while my teammates were still across the river.

"I may have made a mistake," I said calmly into my coms as I retreated back into my building.

"Ya think?!" Mirage yelled back. I heard him jump onto the zipline that lead to my building and looked down on my map to see Bloodhound almost here as well. I took that time to crawl up onto the roof of the first floor of the building, aiming my Flatline through the door. A second later it swung open and an enemy ran in. Sure enough they hadn't been expecting me to be sitting on the roof and luckily they didn't have a body shield either. Their body hit the ground and the announcer declared first blood just as the second teammate ran in.

However, just as the second ran in, Mirage had entered through the other door on the bottom floor and having acquired a peacekeeper, the next was down two shots later. I reloaded my Flatline as the third was just about to enter the house however a blur ran into them, tackling to the ground. I watched as Bloodhound used their axe to finish the last member.

"Did you not find a gun or-?" I started asking as they turned back to the house, now covered in blood. I also saw a longbow around their shoulder. "Just wanted to be dramatic I guess," I muttered, answering my own question.

"Grab some loot," they said, ignoring the words I had just spoken. "There is another team up on the hill."

"No doubt they heard us down here," Mirage mumbled. I quickly grabbed a second gun, an Eva-8 and a couple healing supplies to throw into my bag. When I was done I looked at my two team members and then out the window to see the other team starting to make their way to bunker rather than towards us.

"Want to see something fun?" I asked, reaching into my pockets. I pulled out a small square shaped device and held it up. "It'll make one hell of a distraction."

"Is that a grenade?!" Mirage exclaimed. "You know you can't bring your own in here!" he said harshly, lowering his tone.

"Relax," I said as I aimed a throw to the buildings across the river. "I got it approved." I hit the button to turn on the device and tossed it up onto the deck of the buildings higher up and grinned. A second later nothing had happened and both Mirage and Bloodhound looked over at me, dumbfounded.

"Now what?!" Mirage exclaimed. I held up a finger and reached into my pocket to pull out a small remote. I hit the play button and a second later the song Highway to Hell by ACDC started blasting out of the small speaker I had tossed. As the first guitar riffs started going neither Bloodhound or Mirage looked away from me, with the same look on their faces. "Okay, there's no way that's-" I nudged Mirage towards the back window pointed at the team just about to enter Bunker spinning around, guns aimed at the higher up buildings. They started slowly walking towards them. "Well I'll be damned."

By the time the first chorus was just finishing they nearly made their way towards where the speaker was. One of them bent down and picked up the speaker, holding it up to their teammates just as Bloodhound fired a shot on their Longbow, landing a perfect headshot, in time with the music as it played into the second chorus. The gunshot lining up with the singer's "Yeow!" before diving fully into the chorus. I looked back over at Mirage and grinned again, ear to ear, just as the surviving two teammates started firing down at us.

"See? It was a great plan." 


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