Chapter 43

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The next morning was awkward between Bloodhound and I. I think they were attempting to go hunting before I woke up however I had spent the rest of the night replaying a video game, thinking about what had happened. The two of us sat on the floor for quite some time before Bloodhound finally got up and I'm assuming went back to bed.

When they walked out into the living room this morning they made eye contact with me but quickly looked away. I paused my game and watched them as they gathered what was needed for a hunt. Finally, I sighed,

"So, about last night," I started, wanting to break the silence. Bloodhound looked back over at me.

"We do not need to discuss it," they said harshly. I put my hands up defensively and they sighed, realizing the tone of voice they had used. "I'm sorry," they added a second later. I was about to say more when they cut me off again. "I am going hunting," they said, ending the conversation by walking out the door. I watched out the window as Arthur flew onto Bloodhound's shoulder as the two of them began to walk further into the forest. I shook my head and looked back to my video game, the settlements weren't going to help themselves.


A few hours later my gaming was interrupted by the sound of something rapidly tapping the glass on one of the windows. I carefully stood up and walked over to where the sound was coming from. There, I saw Arthur furiously tapping his beak on the glass. I popped the window open so he could fly in and I turned back around to go back to my game. However Arthur only began squawking at me as I went to start my video game again. He flew up to me and began to pick at the controller in my hands causing me to drop it.

"Hey!" I tried to shoo him off of me but he only started squawking more. "What?!" I exclaimed, trying to figure out what he wanted. He responded by trying to claw my sweatshirt, practically dragging me up off the couch. I squinted my eyes. "Wait. Where's Bloodhound?" As I said their name Arthur let out another frantic caw and flew up to the door. "Arthur?" I went up to the door and opened it, Arthur began to fly out but stopped to look back at me. I got a bad feeling in my stomach as I began to follow.

I knew something was wrong as Arthur began flying faster and faster, only stopping to make sure I was still there. Trying to sprint through the woods was sending pain through my side where I had injured myself from the plane crash but I was too worried to slow myself down.

After a few minutes after hobbling through the forest Arthur swooped down to the ground and began cawing at me. I ran over to where he was and followed the bird's gaze.

"Shit," was all I managed to say as I saw what was in front of me. Bloodhound was sprawled across the ground, lying in a pool of blood. "Bloodhound?!" I exclaimed as I ran up to them. It looked as if they had been attacked by some sort of creature as they had various claw marks covering their body, the most noticeable being a large gash that tore through their helmet, leaving blood pouring out. I cursed again as I crouched down beside them while grabbing their wrist to check for a pulse. My relief was short lived when I realized that I was going to need to get Bloodhound back to the house while they were unconscious. I looked back over to Arthur, who was still looking worried.

"Don't worry bud," I told the bird and I began to try and get one of Bloodhound's arms around my shoulder so I could get them off the ground. I knew I wouldn't be strong enough to carry them properly, especially well I was still injured. I began dragging Bloodhound across the ground, as carefully as I could when I realized I had no idea where I was going. I looked over to Arthur who was still perched on a branch. "Can you get us back?" I asked the bird who simply tilted his head. "Home," I said. "How do we get home?!" my voice was getting frantic. Arthur seemed to understand what I was saying and immediately took off flying. I readjusted my grip on Bloodhound, trying not to make their wounds any worse and began to follow.

By the time we had made it back to the house Bloodhound had lost a lot of blood. After struggling to get the door open I set them down on the couch and stood up again, trying to think of what to do next. I couldn't call anyone, there wouldn't be time for me to wait for them even though I could find something to call them with.

"Okay, okay," I began muttering to myself. "First aid kit." I finally decided. I ran over to the kitchen and began to scour through the cabinets. I found a small kit that I began to bring back over when Arthur squawked at me again. He was sitting on top of a small cabinet. I opened it up and almost laughed when I saw one of the medkits that they had in the arena. Although, it didn't surprise me that they had smuggled a few out, I knew Mirage had a couple hiding in his house as well.

I grabbed the medkit and went back over to Bloodhound. I knew the medkit wouldn't be enough to help everything but I knew it was enough to stabilize them. The biggest wound looked to be a large gash on their stomach so I quickly began to remove all of the gear Bloodhound had on so I could apply the kit directly to the skin.

The kit is finished and the wound on Bloodhound's stomach had almost completely closed back up. I opened up the first aid kit and pulled out what I needed to finish stitching it up. I looked down at the needle and thread and gulped. I had never even learned how to sew.

"Don't suppose you know how to do this?" I asked looking back over at Arthur. He tilted his head. "Right. You are a bird." I figured it would be a better idea if I started with the wounds on the side before working my way up to their head so I could get a feel for how to stitch up another human being. I took a deep breath and got to work.

Bloodhound was still unconscious when I had finished patching up the claw marks on their stomach and side. I looked over at the wound on their head, it looked as if the helmet had taken the brunt force of whatever was attacking Bloodhound however there was a single claw mark that had made it all the way through the helmet and into the side of their head. It wasn't bleeding as much as it was before I had used the medkit but if I didn't do something soon we were going to have more problems on our hands.

I scratched my head as I realized that I was going to have to take off their helmet to be able to stitch it up correctly. I brought my hands down to the clasps at the bottom that locked it in place but stopped myself, feeling uneasy. I decided that saving their life was more important than keeping their trust and I unclipped their helmet. The air began to hiss out of the mask as I carefully began to lift it off of Bloodhound's head when all of a sudden I felt a hand wrap around my throat, cutting off my airways. I looked down to see Bloodhound frantically trying to figure out what was happening.

"Bloodhound," I managed to gasp out. "It's, it's me." Their grip didn't loosen and I began to cough. "H-hound. Please-" I tried to grab their hand to stop them but even injured they were still stronger than me. "You need-" I was gasping for air, "Stitches." I looked at them right in the eyes. "Please-" Just as I thought I was going to black out I felt their held let go of my throat. I fell backwards on the ground as I tried to catch my breath.

" Félag?" I heard Bloodhound say quietly. They muttered a few words in Norse I couldn't understand before looking back over to me. "I-" they started but stopped themselves.

"It's okay," I said as I knelt back down in front of the couch, having caught my breath. "Your head needs stitches though, I need to-"

"Okay," they cut me off. "Do what you must." I nodded a few times, about to say something to them when their body went limp again. I checked their pulse again, just to make sure, before I looked back at their helmet.

With my shaky hands I began to lift it off of their head, to worried about helping them that I didn't have time to consider the amount of people that would be willing to do anything just to see Bloodhound's face. But in that moment, it didn't matter what they looked like.

I threw the helmet onto the ground and got to work on stopping the bleeding.

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