Chapter 33

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Octane injected himself with another needle and took off out the door just as the other team started firing. I felt a bullet go through my shoulder and I cried out in pain. Octane however still didn't slow down.

"This is fun!" he yelled to me as we ran towards Hydro Dam.

"Sure!" I exclaimed, still being carried piggyback style. "That's exactly how I would describe this scenario!" Octane laughed again as we ran across the bridge that connected Repulser to Hydro Dam. "What even is that stuff?" I asked once he pulled out another one of his needles.

"Stim!" he exclaimed. I squinted my eyes.

"Are those drugs?" He nodded and jabbed another one into himself. "Is that even good for you?!"

"Depends who you ask," he replied while looking back with a smirk. I shook my head as he ran into some of the buildings. "Here," he said grabbing some ammo, "Hold this for me." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the boxes of ammo he threw at me while still running.

"You going to put me down?" We were now at the bottom of Hydro Dam where there were a few supply crates.

"Oh, right, lo siento" he let go of my legs and I hopped off.

"Thanks." I opened up one of the supply bins and found a syringe that I began applying it while leaning up against the crate. Once my shoulder was fixed I opened the other three and began to sort through the items, reloading my guns, and putting grenades into my pockets.

"You done yet amigo?" Octane asked, pacing back and forth.

"Oh am I moving to slow for you?" he nodded. "Just let me put on this stock." I didn't mean to mess up trying to put the attachment on my gun but it wasn't long before I dropped it on the ground. I picked it back up and tried to reattach it but my hand slipped and it fell to the ground once again.

"Dios mío!" I snickered as Octane ran up to me, grabbed the attachment off the ground and then the gun from my hands. My snicker turned into a laugh when he was having just as much trouble with the attachment as I had. "Joder!" he exclaimed while throwing the stock to the ground. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. "You don't need that," he mumbled while starting to walk away. I let out another laugh as I began to follow.


The ring was closing in around Wetlands and Relay and only five teams were left. Octane and I were creeping up around the right side of Wetlands as a fight was breaking out.

"Want to jump in there?" Octane asked looking over at me.

"I mean there's only two of us and that's two teams of three-" but before I could finish my sentence Octane was already on the zip line over towards the fight. "Why would you even ask then?!" I exclaimed as I had to run to follow him. I sighed as I watched him use some more stim when he hopped off the zip line and shook my head. "If you die I'm not coming to save you," I said into the coms as I heard him begin to fire at the two squads that were fighting.

"Attention," the announcer said a few seconds later. "There is a new kill leader." I looked down at my wrist to see who it was.

"Hey!" I exclaimed when I saw that it was my team mate. "Not bad!" There was no response. "Octane?" I looked back down at my screen and saw that he was still alive so I picked up the pace and ran into the building he had gone into, the shooting had stopped so I had assumed that he had killed all of the enemies. Then I was greeted with an entire team, all focusing on Octane who was injured. When he saw me in the doorway I could see him grin under his mask as he began to reach into his pocket.

"Run Sly!" he yelled to me. I tilted my head but when I saw him pull the pin on the grenade in his hand I quickly took off, slamming the door behind me so that the three people inside couldn't get out.

"What kind of idea was that?!" I exclaimed as the grenade blew. I quickly swung the door open again.

"Oh my god," I muttered under my breath as I looked at the scene in front of me. "I'm going to be sick." I pulled my mask off of my head and turned around, away from the massacre in front of me.

"Kill leader eliminated," the announcer said as I caught my breath, trying to get the image of that room out of my head. Not only had the grenade torn apart the enemy squad, it had also torn apart the first team that died as well as my team mate. I looked down at the screen on my wrist as saw that there were two more teams remaining. I sighed and began to walk into the next circle. I felt myself getting more and more nervous since I was the only one left alive against two different teams, both of which were likely to have more than one player left.

"What to do, what to do," I mumbled under my breath as I walked. I had a feeling that there was an audience watching me through the cameras so I decided to keep speaking my thought process out loud. "There's no way I'll win a three v one." I thought again for another second. "I could do what that one team did to us and attack immediately after they finish one squad. Be like the third party." I nodded a few times. "Yeah that's not bad," I sighed again. "I should probably stop talking to myself."

I made my way into one of the buildings by Relay and closed the door quietly behind me. I attach myself to the roof to get up the stairs. Once I saw that the room was empty I let myself drop to the ground and sat down on the floor, crossed leg, to save my energy. I leant up against one wall, gazing out the window.

"I'd kill for a Kit-Kat right about now." I paused for a second. "Why don't they have snacks in this thing? You know?" I kept talking out loud. "I mean, I know they give us water bottles but what if they started leaving snacks around buildings like they do with the other loot." I trailed off. "Someone could totally lure me into a trap with a chocolate bar. They could leave one where I could see it and I'd just trot on in and boom! Dead." I tried looking around to see if I could actually see one of the cameras. I thought I saw what could be one so I looked at it and held a finger up, "No one tell Caustic that." I was about to crack another joke when I heard the door at the bottom of the stairs swing open.

I quickly scrambled to my feet and up the side of the wall, crouching in the corner. A single person ran into the room, frantic. When I looked at their wrist I could tell why, they didn't have a respawn. When they saw the room was empty, at least, ground level, they took a sniping position at the window, trying to calm down. My eyes went wide as I realized that this guy still had no idea I was right above him. I was beginning to think that it might just be easiest if I were to take him out myself but I looked back at the persons lack of respawn. I had just decided to wait to see if their team took out the other one when my thoughts were interrupted by a bullet flying through the window and into the person's skull. I bit my tongue to stop myself from reacting and looked back down on my screen. It said there were only two teams left.

"So much for my plan," I muttered as I crawled down off of the wall. I crouched down in front of the body so that I was out of the window and began to see what loot the person had. I grabbed some extra ammo when at the bottom of the building I heard footsteps.

"Someone travelled through here recently," a familiar voice said. I cursed under my breath and looked around me for an idea.

"Other than the person you already killed?" a second voice said. I was pretty sure it was Bangalore. I heard the door creek open and I made another leap onto the wall. I crawled up as close as I could to the roof before turning myself invisible.

Bloodhound and Bangalore walked up the stairs and I began to wonder if it was just the two of them. Bloodhound knelt down beside the body and looked around the empty room. I told myself that they wouldn't be able to see me since I was invisible but yet I still doubted myself. Bloodhound glanced around the room again before looking up directly at me and pausing. I held my breath as they tilted their head, looking at the roof. I even looked down at myself to make sure I was still invisible. After a second I saw the hunter's head straighten out.

"Hello Sly," they said calmly. I cursed and turned myself visible. I waved sheepishly.

"Hi there. How's, uh, how's it going?" The three of us all made a reach our weapons at the same time, Bangalore however was the fastest and it wasn't a second later that a blast from a Mozambique knocked me off of the roof and onto the floor, causing me to drop my guns. "Are you really-?" I started as a rolled myself over, as she shot me with the second bullet in the tiny shotgun. "Really using a mozambique?" I barely managed to get the last word out before the third and final bullet in the magazine went into my skull.

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