Chapter 66

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The new island was set up differently so we wouldn't be greeted instantly by the press getting back from a victory, rather they were kept on the other side of the building. This meant when I stepped off of the ship I was greeted with a very angry looking director of PR. I faked a grin,

"H-hi Jacob!" He held up a hand.


"I mean, we had told you already about us so I don't see why you should be mad..." I trailed off when I saw his glare. "It's Caustic's fault if anything you should be mad at him," I tried to defend myself, causing only Gibraltar to laugh; Jacob simply crossed his arms. "Alright fine," I admitted defeat.

"I need the three of you in my office," he said to me before walking off. I gulped.

"I think I just got sent to the principal's office," I said to Gibraltar, who laughed again. "I never got sent to the principal's office! I had a clean record!"


The Public Relations office was still a mess. Granted, we had only been on this planet for a few days so I wasn't that surprised that Jacob's office was mostly still in boxes. Once Caustic and Bloodhound had been respawned there was a bit of discussion on the importance of communication before a match and Caustic was sent away, grumbling about puerile romance. Once he was gone, Jacob went on,

"Well, believe it or not, you may have picked a good time to do this shall we want this news to fade from the press fast."

"Oh?" I asked. "Do we want that?" I asked.

"Do we?" Jacob repeated.

"We... do?" Bloodhound finished, sounding a little unsure.

"We do," I nodded. Jacob rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"Alright, you're still going to have to deal with them on your way out of here, the news of you dating is trending on all social media platforms." I noticed Hound tense their shoulders so I reached over and grabbed one of their hands as Jacob continued. "But we are going to be announcing the new legend in a few days' time."

"New legend?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Ah yeah, they speed up the entry test cause of some big sponsorship."

"Sponsorship for the person or for the games?" Bloodhound asked.

"Both. It was supposed to happen a while ago but," he waved his hands around. "Anything is possible with a check that big," he sighed.

"Who's the sponsor?" I asked, feeling a little excited that there was going to be more interest in the games. More money meant more exciting things could be added.

"Hammond Robotics, you've probably heard of them by now." Now my shoulders tensed.

"I have," I muttered through clenched teeth. I felt Bloodhound squeeze my hand.

"So are we good to go?" Bloodhound interrupted the conversation.

"Yeah, I suppose so," Jacob nodded and the two of us stood up. "Good luck out there."


By the time we had made it out of the crowd both Bloodhound and I were exhausted. The reporters didn't hesitate to ask the most detailed questions about our lives and we kept getting trapped in a loop of saying we weren't going to answer some only to be asked even more personal questions.

I was also now on board with the plan to kill Caustic. Thankfully, it appeared that the man felt bad for creating the mess and there was supper waiting for us when we got back to the housing complex.

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