Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

"You sure you're okay?" Bloodhound asked as the two of us were getting ready for bed. I nodded,

"Yeah, I think so." They raised an eyebrow. "Really! I'm just tired." Both parts of my statement were true, after learning about the whole, I was actually experimented on three hundred years ago bit, I was whisked off to do some promotional work that I had agreed to. That part was kind of fun, they took me and a couple of the other legends who had agreed to it back to the arena to do some photoshoots in some of the new arena. The new planet was a lot prettier than I had been expecting and I was growing rather fond of the field of little purple flowers in the one section of the map.

They had also let me ride the train around the entire track a couple of times as apparently my scene that first game on the train had gotten quite popular and they wanted to do photos there. By the end of the day, I was quite tired after posing, getting makeup touched up, and talking to different people that I was drained. I had almost forgotten about the events that took place this morning.

I looked back at Bloodhound who now had their arms crossed.

"You know I could be asking you the same question," I finally said.

"I'm fine," they huffed. Now I raised an eyebrow. Bloodhound sighed. "Okay, point made." I laughed a little as they turned around to the window to close it now that Artur was inside and asleep in his cage. "I think I just need some sleep," Hound finally said.

"Now that's something I can agree with."


It's freezing. I am behind a wall of glass. The other side, people. People in lab coats. Looking in. My body is shaking. I'm trapped.

Suddenly, I'm strapped down. I try to turn my head but something is blocking my vision. There's a stabbing feeling in my arm. I can feel myself crying, though for some reason I can't hear it.

I'm in a tiny room. Tired. My body aches. Without trying I know that the glass door will remain locked. I lay on the ground. Someone is talking to me.

"I'll get you out of here." It says.

It's cold again. I try to bang on the glass, but no one on the other side cares.

Someone is dragging me down a hallway. Every inch of me hurts. I don't try to fight the arms holding me. I know I can't. Soon I'd be back in my tiny room where I can sleep. I look beside me. There's a man, banging on his door, anger in his blue eyes.

"I'll get you out of here!" he cries again.

More needles. More pain. More cold.

"I'll get you out."

He's being dragged down the hall now. Blond hair covering his face as he struggles with the guards. They are stronger than him. They always are.

It gets cold again. Freezing. I can't move.

"I'll get you out," the voice says again. "I promise."


I bolted upright, gasping for air. I felt my entire body shaking, still somehow cold as the images flashed back in my mind.

"Hey," I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me. "Sly." The voice was gentle. "It's okay. Just a dream." I nodded a few times, working on trying to steady my breathing. I let Bloodhound guide me closer to them. I leant up against their chest, trying to mimic their calm, deep breathing. "Same nightmare?" they asked a few minutes later. Nightmares had become a regular occurrence for us, both of us plagued by dreams.

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