Chapter 5

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The sun was beginning to set when I woke up again. However this time, something had woken me up. I sat up and noticed that the window to the room was wide open. I looked over to the chair that was in the room. It appeared that there was a man sleeping in it. I squinted my eyes through the dark, something didn't feel right.

"Eh-hem," a voice said from beside me. I snapped my head around.

"Shit." I exclaimed. It was none other than Mirage, he was leaning up against D.O.C, who didn't seem to mind. I looked back to the chair and saw the decoy starting to fade. I felt myself beginning to panic. I sat myself up and began looking for something I could use to defend myself. When I found nothing I slunk myself into the corner. "Look man, I'm sorry, I really am, I just-." He put a finger to his lips. As he lifted his arm I made out a gun in his belt.

"Quiet! I don't want Ajay to know I snuck in here." I quickly nodded.

"Please, I, I don't want trouble," I stuttered, eyeing the gun. This made him look confused.

"Trouble?" I raised my eyebrows. Mirage looked around at the open window and then to his gun. "Oh!" he exclaimed while standing up straight. "You know, I can see how this may have come off as threatening."

"You think?" He ran a hand through his hair.

"Sorry about that. I just wanted to chat, you know?"

"About?" He laughed a little.

"About you! I'm honestly still impressed at how you took me out."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He deadpanned.

"The suit is literally on the bed right beside you." I looked over and cursed.

"About that," I started. "I am really, really sorry."

"Psh," he waved his hand in front of him. "It's fine. I mean, you kinda like, ruined a bit of my rep there, but you know, I'm me, I'll get it back."

"So," I paused for a second. "You're not mad?"

"Are you kidding! It's not like that was my first time dying!" He laughed. "Was my first time being shot in the throat however." He rubbed in neck where I had shot him, you couldn't even see a mark. "That was a little excruc-ex-exa... painful." I winced again. "But don't worry about it!"

"So why are you here than?" He grinned again.

"I have a proposition!" I raised my eyebrows. "You see, there's a champion game coming up soon right?" I slowly nodded. Champion games were only held three or four times a year. The only people aloud to participate are people who have won at least one game in the past. These games were a fan favourite. "I wasn't going to go in this one because there were only two of us and its teams of three this time around." I had a bad feeling about where this was going. "However, then you show up and I'm like, wow! She's not the worst player ever, so I thought that maybe-"

"No," I said cutting him off.

"Hang on, I wasn't done."

"No," I said again.


"No! I'm done!" I snapped.Mirage sighed and it fell quiet for a second.

"I know about what happened."

"What?! She told you?!"

"What? No! No, I was just eav-evas, uh listening in." I put my head in my hands. "I also was the one who found you. I may have been following you." My eyes went wide. "I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner." he said. "I know what it's like to lose people." I shook my head although he did sound sincere.

"So you know why I can't go back in there." He shook his head.

"I think it gives you more of a reason to go in there!" I sighed. "Your girl," he paused. "She was your girl right?" I nodded sadly. "What would she want you to do?"

"Don't bring her into this," I said, my tone getting angry. "She's dead because of me!" I realized I had been getting louder. "I was supposed to die in there. And if I had, she would still be alive."

"That's not your fault."

"Doesn't matter." Mirage sighed.

"What about the suit than?"

"What about it?"

"Who made it?" I sighed.

"She did." This caused him to grin.

"So clearly she had wanted you to win! It was her way of keeping you safe, don't you get that? If you go back, you'll still have her with you!"

"I'm not going back." I said firmly. "Especially without a respawn."

"So I'll pay for your respawn!" he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I can't ask you to-"

"Hell you can even stay at my place if you don't have one! We'd be like roommates! Yeah, that sounds fun! I'm a decent cook even!"

"What the hell Elliott?!" A voice exclaimed while walking through the door. It was Ajay, I felt myself sigh in relief. "I told you to stay out!" She yelled at him. He grinned sheepishly.

"I got bored." Ajay smacked him on the side of the  head and then came up to me,

"You alright?" I nodded. "I think it's time for you to go." She told Mirage, who was rubbing his head.

"Yeah, yeah." As he began to walk out he paused again. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny piece of paper with an address on it. "Here. If you change your mind. Ten O'Clock tomorrow morning." I reluctantly took it. "I really do think you could be one of the greats. Not as good as me though. Obviously." 

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