Chapter 12

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"Hold on," I held up a finger. "You're telling me that cows went extinct but pigs didn't?!"

"Cows were unable to adapt to the atmospheres on the new planets humans colonized," Pathfinder said. "Pigs evolved very quickly to meet the new demands of a new planet."

"Well that's a kick in the pants." I took a sip of my drink and looked around at the confused faces.

"Who exactly are you Sly?" Bloodhound was the first to ask. I clenched my teeth and faked a grin.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"I think you may have to kid," Mirage said. I closed my mouth and ran my tongue over my teeth, debating what to do.

"Alright," I decided. "Why not." I went to take a drink but I noticed that my glass was empty. I looked over at Mirage who was sitting beside Bloodhound. "Pardon my reach," I said to Bloodhound as I reached past them and grabbed Mirage's drink. They slunk back in the chair as I did so. I grabbed the glass and downed it all in one gulp and bit back the sting from the strong alcohol. Everyone around the table was silent. "So," I started as I poured out another glass of wine. "I was born in the year 2000." I took a sip as all the legends around me reacted.

"That was seven hundred and twenty three years ago!" Pathfinder exclaimed. "The human lifespan is not that long!" I nodded,

"I know. Long story short when I was eighteen something happened, don't know what, don't have memory of it, but next thing I knew I was in this machine thing and it was seven hundred a years later."

"What kind of machine?" Bangalore was the first to speak.

"A cryo-" Mirage started. "Cry- cy, oh, uh."

"You were cryogenically frozen?" Caustic finished for him. I nodded,

"Crazy right?"

"Who would do that?" Ajay asked. I shrugged,

"That's part of the mystery. The place I was in was long abandoned, it seemed that the machine malfunctioned and spat me out." I took another sip of wine while each of the legends looked between each other.

"She's telling the truth," Mirage said.

"How do you know?" Bangalore asked.

"I believe her," Bloodhound spoke up. I looked over at them and nodded.

"It's unbelievable I know, there's still a part of me that wishes it wasn't real."

"Were you on Earth when you woke up?" Gibraltar asked. I nodded,

"Yeah. You can probably imagine how well it went over when I ran into the other people there."

"I'm sorry bruddah." I shrugged again,

"Nothing you can do."

"So why join the games than?" Bangalore asked.

"Ah, well, I had made a deal with the slave owner that if I would win he would get some of the winnings in exchange for freedom for me and Sky. I figured I didn't have anything left here anyway so why not. However," I took another gulp of the wine. "Turns out you shouldn't make deals with slave owners cause they'll take all your cash and kill your girl." As I said that the table fell silent again. I awkwardly looked down and took a bite of my food. I could tell that each and every one of the people at the table had lots of questions for me. "Go ahead," I finally said. "Ask away."

"What was it like?" Ajay was the first to ask a question. "Did you know you were frozen?" I shook my head.

"Honestly had no idea. I was a little chilly when I got out but that was it. I mean it felt like I was well rested, but sleeping for seven hundred years does that I suppose." A few people chuckled.

"What was it like? The past?" Bloodhound asked.

"It had its ups and downs. Firstly I would say the food was much better, no offence." I grinned a little. "All of the blood sports were purely fictional, don't know if you guys would see that as good or bad all things considered. But the people were a lot more ignorant."

"They still are," Wraith commented.

"Yeah but, just in different ways. I mean I would've had to go through a lot of trouble if I wanted to marry a girl. They had a lot of problems with stuff like that." I looked over to Bloodhound and tried to imagine how hard it was for non-binary folks in 2019. "But I mean, space travel is fun!"

"It's remarkable how your body survived the journey through space," Caustic said.


"Well once humans began traveling through different planets and atmospheres, much like the pigs, we had to adapt, and evolve," he explained.

"Huh." I tilted my head. "Hadn't thought about that."

"If you have no money, how are you paying for a respawn?" Bangalore asked.

"I offered to pay it," Mirage said for me. "I did kinda force her to be on my team. Was the least I could do." She nodded and it fell silent again till Pathfinder practically jumped out of his seat,

"Spider-Man!" he declared. Everyone stared at him and I felt myself grinning wider than ever. "You designed your suit to look like Spider-Man since you can stick to walls!"

"Finally!!" I exclaimed. "No one understood it!" I reached over the table to give him a high-five, which he gladly did while everyone else stared at us like we were insane.

"I have a collection of information surrounding pop culture starting in the year 1924. I think your Spider-Man suit was very clever."

"Did we just become best friends?" I asked him.

"Although," he kept going, seeming to have not heard my comment. "If you were picking a Marvel superhero based on yourself, why would you have gone with Spider-Man over Captain America?"

"Why-?" I began to ask when suddenly it dawned on me. "Shit!" I exclaimed. "That would've been so much better!"

"Anyone else super lost?" Mirage commented.

"Captain America was frozen in ice for seventy years!" I was nearly shouting. "I can't believe I didn't think of that!"

"Are you saying you weren't the first human to be cryogenically frozen?" Caustic asked.

"What? Oh, no, Captain America is a comic book character. Fictional." I explained while shaking my head, "I can't believe I missed that." I took another bite of my food as it fell silent again.

"Are you going to be searching for answers?" Bloodhound asked, breaking the silence. I nodded,

"I think so. I don't know how much luck I'll having finding who froze me and all but I would like to find out what happened to my family once I was gone. Friends to."

"What do you mean by that?" Bangalore asked. I grinned a little,

"I guess I want to make sure that they lived the lives that they deserved." A few of them looked at me, curious. "It's a little weird I know." Across the table Gibraltar shook his head.

"I think it's sweet." I gave him a small grin. "I'll tell ya what bruddah. After we crush you guys tomorrow, I'll pay for your next respawn!" he said with a wink. I couldn't help but laugh.

"We'll see about that!"

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