Chapter 42

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It had been a few days since I first arrived at Bloodhound's and I had yet to wander past the couch. The wound on my side had began to heal however it still was painful trying to move around. There wasn't much to do at Bloodhound's house as the only channels they got were the ones that played the Apex games or the interviews from after.

I got bored of watching the interview chanel after it showed the same interview with Mirage three times in a row. It didn't take long for the media to scoop up the story about Mirage's house being attacked again, and Mirage had spent the interview trying to convince people it wasn't the IMC in hopes if we lied through our teeth, the IMC would leave the rest of them alone.

As for where I was, Mirage had said that I was 'taking a break from the games' and whenever he, or any of the other legends for that matter, were asked where I was they simply replied with different mundane tasks. I had actually found it fairly amusing to watch. Yesterday Mirage had told everyone I was out on a quest to find the ingredients to make a pizza pocket.

I had just woken up when Bloodhound came through the door, with fresh game over their shoulder. They usually went out hunting in the morning for a few hours, not wanting to leave me for too long. As they walked in today they looked over at me,

"You're awake early today," they said.

"It's nearly noon," I paused. "Oh. Very funny."

"How are you feeling?"

"Good! I even made it to the bathroom by myself!" I thought I heard Bloodhound chuckle a little.

"Good to hear," they replied as they set down their prey on the table.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" I asked, wanting to keep a conversation going.

"Well Lifeline invited me to join her team with her friend Octane, but I declined."

"What?! Why?"

"In case you need something."

"Bruh. I think I'll be fine for a few more hours." They looked at me and tilted their head. "Go have fun! I don't want my being here to be a burden."

"You are not a burden." I raised my eyebrows. "But if you insist. I will see if they still need a teammate." I grinned as they pulled out their phone. I leant back on the couch and pulled out the remote again to see if anything had changed in the last three minutes. It had not. "Are you sure you are going to be okay Félag?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, dragging out the word. "Go!" They nodded a few times before whistling, sending Arthur flying to their shoulder.

"Alright," they said after giving Arthur a pat on the head. "I will see you after."

"Good luck!" I yelled out the door as they left. Once the door was closed, I lay back on the couch and sighed, wishing I still was able to use my phone. The match wouldn't even be on the T.V for another two hours. Maybe I shouldn't have sent Bloodhound away so that I could've spared myself from boredom. I grabbed the blanket off of the floor and wrapped myself up. I could go for a nap.


I figured Bloodhound was going to be hungry when they came back so I decided to give cooking a go. They didn't have much in the pantry, at least things that I knew what they were. I decided that I would be able to make grilled cheese.

It did not go as well as expected. I only almost lit the house fire twice. Turns out stoves had changed since I had used one seven hundred years ago and it appeared that they were smarter than me. By the time I had finished making two sandwiches for myself and two for Bloodhound the game had already started. Bloodhound and their team had landed in Skulltown and had drawn first blood. I settled back into the couch with my mediocre sandwich and watched the match.


I had fallen asleep on the couch again by the time Bloodhound made it back home. I heard the door and sat up, checking the time, the match had ended hours ago. Bloodhound saw me awake and looked over,

"Sorry for waking you." I rubbed the sleep out of my eye,

"All good. Congrats on the win," I said with a grin. They nodded once,

"The Allfather has blessed me this day, even with the added nuscience on my team." I laughed a little,

"Yeah Octane is quite the..." I paused, trying to figure out the right word. "Personality," I finally finished. They nodded again,

"Yes, well, if you do not require anything I am going to retire for the night," they said as they started walking towards their bedroom.

"Oh! Wait!" I exclaimed. "I made grilled cheese!" They turned around and looked at me confused. "There's a few extra in the fridge. If you want them," I quickly added.

"Grilled cheese?" Bloodhound asked a second later.

"Yeah you know, like some bread and cheese, but, you know, grilled." They slowly walked over to the fridge and pulled out the plate of food I had left. They picked up one of the sandwiches and looked at it closely.

"This is not cheese," they said a second later, pulling the top piece of bread. My eyes went wide.

"Well that explains why it didn't taste quite right," I laughed a little. "You don't have to eat it, I just thought-"

"Thank you," Bloodhound interrupted me. "I'm sure it will taste great." I smiled as they began to walk back to their room. "Oh," they said a second later, swinging around the backpack they had on. "Mirage and Pathfinder put together 'party package' as they said." Bloodhound handed me the backpack and I quickly opened it up. I grinned as I saw the xbox from my house in my bag along with a dozen game discs I hadn't had before. "I believe Pathfinder also put in a harddrive with movies," Bloodhound explained.

"This is awesome!" I had already taken the Xbox out and hobbled back over to the T.V before I stopped myself. "You don't mind, do you?" They shook their head.

"Good night Sly."


It was nearly four in the morning when I was woken up by the sound of distress. I quickly sat up and looked around when I realized the screaming was coming from Bloodhound's room. I jumped up off of the couch and ran over to the door but stopped myself as I placed my hand on the doorknob. The only rule they had given me while I was here was to not go into their room. I put my ear up to the door. There were no sounds of anyone moving around or fighting inside the room and I sighed.

They were having a nightmare.

I started to twist the knob to the door, wanting to go in and wake them up but I stopped myself again. I didn't want to lose their trust. Instead of going in I began to pound on the door with a fist. It didn't take long for them to wake up and the next sound I heard was them practically jumping out of bed.

"Sly?!" I heard them exclaim, footsteps approaching the door. "Is everything okay?" I could tell that they didn't have their helmet on their head as their voice was suddenly a different tone. Although now I could hear the concern in it.

"I'm fine!" I said, loud enough that they could hear me through the door. "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be-?" they cut themselves off as they put the pieces together. "Did I wake you?" It sounded like they were just on the other side of the door and I could hear their breathing, still shaky from the dream they were having.

"Nah," I lied, not wanting them to feel bad. "I was still playing a video game." I heard a sigh on the other side of the door before hearing the sound of Bloodhound sliding onto the floor. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, sliding down to the ground as well. They remained silent, although I did think I could hear a sniffle. "That's okay. We don't have to talk."

I leant my head onto the back of the door, wondering what was going through Bloodhound's mind. I looked down at the crack between the door and the floor and saw them still sitting there so I put my hand on the ground and stuck a few of my fingers through. I heard a small chuckle before I felt Bloodhound place their hand on top of mine.

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