Chapter 62

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After spending an hour tossing and turning in my bed, trying to fall asleep, I got out of bed to get a drink of water. However, while lying back down I processed to smack my head on the wall, rather than plopping it against a pillow and creating a loud bang. I cursed and clutched my head, sinking down into the pillows when I heard a few knocking sounds on the wall. Confused, I titled my head before realizing that Bloodhound's room was right on the other side of my wall. I leant back up and knocked a few times as well. They knocked again and a second later my phone lit up with a text message.

My door is unlocked.

I grinned as I read it, swinging my feet off of my bed and heading towards the hallway, still rubbing my head. The lights were all off in the common area as everyone else had gone to bed as well. I quietly opened the door to Hound's room and slipped inside.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked upon walking into their room. They were sitting up against the wall while Arthur was asleep in his cage, even though the door to it was open. Bloodhound shook their head as I crawled into bed beside them. "Same here." They lied down as well, wrapping an arm around me as I put my head on their chest. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Not particularly," they said, voice gentle.

"Okay, we don't have to." I closed my eyes and shifted myself so that I could drape my arm over their stomach. "I met the PR guy today," I said a second later, not quite ready to go to sleep.

"Is that so?"

"Mmhmm. He wants me to tell him who I'm dating to avoid another sex scandal, like Mirage." This caused Bloodhound to chuckle a little.

"He has had a few of those."

"You knew about that too? And no one told me?!" Bloodhound laughed a little again,

"I was involved in one of them," they said calmly. I immediately sat up, eyes wide.

"You what?!" This caused Bloodhound to laugh suddenly,

"No!" they exclaimed, laughing again, having realized how that sentence was worded. "Not, not like that." I raised an eyebrow. "You really think that little of me Elskan?" they laughed, gently pushing me back down into bed. "It was, rather, my fault that it made it onto the television."

"Oh?" Bloodhound nodded again, still laughing a little.

"He was injured so I assigned our third, someone who is not in the games anymore, the task to watch over him while I scouted ahead and look for supplies, so they had kept the cameras on me."

"Okay?" I propped myself up onto my elbows, listening closely.

"Well, when I got back... I, er, heard some odd sounds coming from inside..." I put a hand over my mouth, covering my grin.

"You didn't...?"

"They had turned off their coms so I had just assumed that they were in trouble and-" I burst out laughing.

"You did!" I laughed. "Oh that must've been awful!" I said while still laughing.

"It's not that funny," they tried to interrupt.

"Oh but it is!" I saw them grimace at the thought. "You poor thing..." I flopped back down, this time on top of them, laughing into their chest. After a few seconds, I regained my composure. "Okay... okay. I'm sorry for laughing."

"It was... kind of funny I suppose." I looked up and saw them grinning as well. "Not for Mirage though..." I lay my head back down,

"The whole Outlands must've seen his..." I giggled, "Oh the poor man," I said, still laughing a little.

"He was pretty traumatized," Bloodhound said, still with a bit of humour in their voice. I sighed as I shifted myself into a comfortable position, finally starting to feel the effects of exhaustion overtake me. "Next time you see him," Bloodhound went on, falling asleep as well. "Ask him about the Pumpkin incident."


When I woke up the next morning, the bed was empty. I sat up and noticed a small note hanging off of Arthur's empty birdcage reading,

Went exploring. Back soon. -BH

There was a small heart by their signature. I grinned as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. There was an interesting smell coming from the hallway so I pulled on a pair of Hound's sweats and went to see what it was.

"Friend Sly!" Pathfinder exclaimed the second I swung the door open. "I made-" he stopped himself mid-sentence and his screen changed to a question mark. "That is not your room," he stated. I nodded a couple of times.

"What about it?"

"Elliott wasn't in his room either! He was in Octavio's!"

"Yes, well Mirage and Octane are dating. Like me and Hound." The robot slowly nodded.

"People who are dating have sleepovers?" he questioned. "No wonder they were so loud!" I squinted my eyes.

"Path... what do you think people do at sleepovers?"

"Pillow fights!"

"Right. Right. Of course."

"Were they not... having a pillow fight? There was a lot of jumping on the bed!"

"So what did you make for breakfast?" I asked, really wanting to change the topic before we got any further.

"I made Pop-Tarts!"

"You did?" The robot nodded and eagerly led me over to the table where there was a small plate. On it sat a couple of things that did have a bit of a resemblance to Pop-Tarts. I picked one up and carefully examined it, turning it over in my fingers. "How long did these take to make Path?" I asked, eyeing the attention to detail.

"Only a couple of hours!" My eyes went wide. "Are you going to try it?" I nodded and took a deep breath, trying not to get my hopes up that he had actually recreated my favourite childhood breakfast. I took a bite.

"Holy shit," I muttered through a full mouth. "Path..." The robot looked at me, very eagerly. I swallowed my bite. "These are really good dude."

"High five?"


An hour later Bloodhound had returned and I was making them try some of Path's Pop-Tarts, when there was a knock on my door. I stood up to go answer it, watching as Hound yoinked the last piece of Pop-Tart on my plate.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as they shoved it into their mouth. They grinned as they slid their helmet over their head. I shook my head and opened the door. "Wraith!" I exclaimed. "And... Crypto?" I blinked a few times. "You guys are friends?"

"Crypto has been helping me," Wraith explained. "Well, us, really."

"Oh?" I asked, looking over to Crypto.

"I felt bad that... someone destroyed the old arena and you two could no longer search for answers about what had happened to you," he started. "I have cracked IMC security many times and some of the terminals on this planet provide access into their system."

"Which means?"

"He found out what happened," Wraith cut in.

"Wha-" I started, when another voice interrupted.

"He did?!" Mirage exclaimed. Wraith and Crypto looked behind them to see Mirage, Octane, and Pathfinder listening in on the conversation from the couches. "We looked so long for those! There's no way he can just show up and, and-" Crypto held up a small flash drive, causing Mirage to shut up.

"Would you like to see?" Crypto asked, looking at me. I took a deep breath and looked behind me to Bloodhound.

"Yeah," I finally said. "Let's do it." 

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