Chapter 57

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"Goodnight Elskan," Bloodhound said to me as I crept out the door to their room. The lights on the ship were dim now that it was the middle of the night, the rest of the legends either sleeping or in their rooms, doors closed. I didn't think it had gotten as late as it did, Bloodhound and I hadn't even been doing anything, just chatting while they slowly set up their room in a way they wanted. Turns out they had actually packed a lot more than the initial few bags and had sent a few boxes to the ship prior to move in day.

Their room consisted of items that reminded me of their home, which I guess is why they had brought it. I had decided to go back to my room to sleep, considering they had brought a hammock to sleep in instead of the provided bed. We also were unsure where some of the other legends stood on our relationship, in terms of knowing if we were a thing or not. Not wanting to cause any unnecessary drama while we were forced to live in a confined space for a week, we decided to keep it quiet, at least for now.

The ship was quiet as I made my way back from the washroom, the only sound that could be heard was the hum of the ship flying through space. I was pretty sure everyone on the ship was fast asleep, and I found myself yawning as I approached my room, eyes practically closed already.

I was almost back to my room when all of a sudden there was something under my feet, which made an angry sound as I tripped over it, falling flat on my face. I groaned as I rolled over, trying to figure out what the hell I had fallen on when a saw a small creature on the ground, not seeming overly disturbed by the fact I had just tripped over it. I blinked a few times looking at it, trying to figure out what it was. Then it meowed.

"A cat?!" I exclaimed quietly to myself, sitting up further. I scooched myself closer towards it, holding a hand out and making a few soft clicks with my tongue to get the cats attention. "Who the hell has a-" I cut myself as a set of footprints approached me and looked up to see who it was. "New guy?" He looked down at me, still sitting on the ground, trying to pet the cat. "D-did you see that?" I asked, face turning red. He nodded once. I looked over to the cat. "Is this your?" He nodded again and I felt myself cringe. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't see her, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay," he interrupted. "She can be very quiet." He held a hand down to me to help me up off of the floor. As I took it I began to realize that I had seen the white and green jacket before.

"I do know you!" I exclaimed, brushing off my pants.

"You do?" It sounded like he was almost concerned.

"Yeah you were there after the tower blew, told me where Mirage and Bloodhound were!"

"Oh," he sighed. "Right. Sorry about the cat," he said, bending down to scoop the orange creature into his arms. "I didn't realize she had gotten out of my room." I grinned,

"That's okay, cats are like that." Crypto offered me a small grin and it fell silent. "Well," I started. "I think I'm going to-"

"Did you ever find what you were looking for?" he suddenly interrupted. I blinked a few times, taken a bit aback by the question.


"You were looking for something in the arena. Files. In the IMC terminals."

"You have no proof-" Crypto raised his eyebrows and I sighed. "No. We didn't. We were close but then..." I trailed off.

"Then someone destroyed the arena," he finished for me. I nodded. "I'm sorry." I shrugged,

"Not your fault. Unless you were the one who blew it up," I said with a laugh. He said nothing. "Right. Well, I'm sure we'll find something eventually, it just might be a little harder now, but if I'm being honest I kind of wanted a break from searching anyway. It just makes me think more about what happened, so I guess justice can wait." I finished, sounding a little sad. The new legend looked as if he wanted to say something, but his lips remained shut. "Well I am off to bed, it was nice meeting you officially," I said with a grin. "The cat as well." I said, giving the cat in his arms a few scratches on her head.

"Frazzles," he said, looking down at the cat. I raised my eyebrows as I looked between the cat and the man holding her. "She was my sister's." He quickly explained, looking a little embarrassed. I laughed a little,

"Whatever you say man. I'll see you around."

"We'll see about that." I stopped myself from walking back to my room.

"Oh c'mon! Not all of us are that bad."

"You don't sound very confident with that." I shrugged again,

"I'm just saying! They're pretty welcoming, I mean I've only been here for like half a year and most of them are like family to me."

"I don't have a family," he stated. "And I'm not looking for a new one."

"Neither was I," I said with a small grin. "Have a good night Crypto." And with that I took off, back to my room, closing the garage door as quietly as I could. I got ready for bed and thought about the man I had just met. Something seemed off about him but I quickly shook the thought away, all of us had something off about us.


The next morning I was explaining my late night adventures to a few of the legends who were sitting out in the common area.

"He has a cat?!" Mirage exclaimed.


"You're telling me that super edgy, hardass looking guy, has a cat named Frazzles?" I shrugged.

"I don't know what to tell you," I said, taking another bite of my cereal. "He seems very secretive."

"You're telling me," Mirage mumbled. I looked over to Bloodhound who had their arms crossed in front of them. They caught me looking.

"If that cat gets anywhere close to Arthur I will not hesitate to slatra," they mumbled under their breath. I laughed a little,

"Oh-kay there. Let's try not to murder anyone just yet?"

"No promises." It fell silent again.

"What were ya doing up so late anyway?" Ajay suddenly asked. I felt my face go red,

"I uh, was just going to the washroom." Not a total lie.

"I'm going to check on Arthur," Bloodhound cut in, standing up from the table. Ajay looked between the two of us, a small grin spreading across her face.

"Who do you think he is?" I asked suddenly, wanting to change the topic before she said anything more. "This Crypto guy?"

"Beats me," Ajay replied. "Could be anyon'." I nodded.

"So how long have you and Bloodhound been a thing?" Bangalore suddenly asked. My eyes went wide,

"Wha-" I looked over at Mirage, "How many people have you told?!" Mirage faked a grin,

"Well I only told Octane." I looked to Octane.

"I only told Ajay."

"And I only told 'Nita and Natalie." I put a hand on my face.

"So everyone knows?"

"That's a safe assumption," Mirage said, half with a grin. I lowered my head onto the table, face first.

"This is going to be a long week, isn't it?" 


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