Chapter 14

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We found Bangalore sitting outside of bunker, attempting to heal herself with a medkit. She saw us and laughed.

"Not bad for an FNG," she told me as we walked up. Mirage and Wraith both had their weapons aimed at her. I had yet to reload mine.

"Yeah sorry about that," I muttered.

"And I'm sorry about this," she said and with the arm that wasn't holding the medkit I watched as she whipped out a Wingman and fired a round into my stomach, just inches from where I had last been shot.

"Mother-" I started as I tumbled down to the ground. Wraith put a bullet in Bangalore's skull and Mirage came up to me, laughing.

"Dumbass!" he laughed as he began using a couple syringes on me.

"How have neither of you been shot?!" I exclaimed once I stopped bleeding.

"See, we're actually good at this," Mirage boasted. Wraith shook her head,

"Grab some loot. We have to keep moving." I stood up and went back into bunker to look for more ammo.

"Sly, Pathfinder had a blue shield," Mirage told me. "Take it." I nodded and equipped the new shield. I looked over to Bloodhound and saw that they had shotgun ammo. I looked back at the crow who hadn't moved.

"Hey bud," I said in a cooing manner. "Mind if I grab some of this?" I reached towards the ammo when the bird reached over and bit my finger. "You little shit!" I exclaimed as I pulled my hand back. The bird cawed a few times, as if he was laughing at me.

"Yeah I wouldn't try to take anything from Bloodhound," Mirage commented from outside.

"Thanks for the heads up."  Mirage chuckled.

"Now hurry it up, rings closing in two." I decided to leave the rest of the ammo and I followed Mirage out of bunker. I looked down at my map and saw that the ring looked like it was going to close near Bridges. "Hope you don't mind jogging."

"Do I have to?" I complained. Mirage laughed and Wraith shook her head.


"Attention. There is a new kill leader," the announcer stated. I looked down at the screen on my wrist to see who it was.

"Caustic," I muttered.

"Well that explains the screaming we heard," Mirage commented. I laughed.

"Yeah but now we have to deal with him." We were underneath the pass between Bridges and the area to the left of Repulser. It was just his team and ours left and the ring was getting tight. Wraith put a finger to her lips and Mirage and I closed our mouths and looked around. She nodded towards one of the buildings close to the river. We started creeping towards the building, Wraith's sniper aimed in the window. She took a shot.

"Move up, now, she's dead." she said calmly when something was thrown out the window of the building. I titled my head as I watched the red smoke rise up.

"Run!" Mirage shouted as he took off back towards the underpass by Bridges. Wraith disappeared into the void while I stood still for a second trying to figure out why we needed to run when I saw the first of the missiles falling.

"Oh that's not good," I muttered before taking off sprinting. It turned out that I was a faster sprinter than Mirage and I had made it under cover before him. One of the blasts knocked him forward and onto his face. I still had no idea where Wraith was. I ran up to Mirage and dragged his body behind a rock. He was still breathing, though there was a fair amount of blood. I pulled out a syringe and started applying it to him when I heard footsteps around the rock, they were too heavy to be Wraith's. Once I heard the laugh, I knew it was Gibraltar.

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