Chapter 35

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A/N: I have no regrets. 


I was eating a bowl of cereal the next morning when someone came trotting into the kitchen that I was not expecting.


"Buenos días!" he exclaimed with a wave. I squinted my eyes as I looked back from where he came from. When I spun around again to look at him he was already out the front door. I looked back and now saw Mirage coming out of his room, putting on a robe. My eyes went wide as I looked at him than back to where Octane had been.

"Uh, Mirage?"

"Yeah?" he replied while pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Did you..." I slowly put the pieces together. "And.. Octane..." I trailed off.

"What about it?" He took a sip of coffee. My mouth fell open.

"Mirage!" I yelled



"Well, you see when two people-"

"You know what I mean!"

"Oh, well that's simple then. I offered to massage his legs to help with the phantom pain, he accepted, and then since my hands were already-"

"Ahh!" I screamed while raising my hands to my ears. "That's enough information!" When he stopped talking I lowered my hands and smacked him "I can't believe you!"


"He's our team mate!"

"He was our team mate." Mirage corrected.

"Still!" I ran a hand through my hair. "He's still going to be around you know!? Like in our group of friends, all of who are all still on teams with each other! Changing teams to!"

"So?" he was grinning ear to ear. "You think this is the first person in our group I've slept with? It's not like it's been awkward," My mouth fell open even wider.

"What!?" I exclaimed. "Who?!"

"I think the better question to ask would be who hasn't he slept with," Wraith commented walking into the room.

"Mirage!" I yelled again.

"What? You know how it is after a round, people got a lot of pent up adrenaline and emotion which combines to make one very-"

"We really don't need to discuss this further." I interrupted again.

"And besides," he said looking back at Wraith. "One day I'll finish checking off everyone on that list," he said with a wink.

"In your dreams," she commented.

"I can start somewhere else then," he said, unfazed. He then thought for a second as if he had to remember who he had or hadn't slept with. "You know, I bet Bloodhound would be very into-"

"That's enough!" I yelled before he went any further. Mirage laughed at me,

"Don't you ever wonder though about-"

"No! I don't!" Mirage snickered again. I looked back down at my bowl of cereal, unsure if I actually wanted any more. "Can we change the topic please?"

"Gladly," Wraith said. "There's another squad match coming up in a few days. I have a few ideas on where we can start looking."

"That's awesome!" I exclaimed. "What are you thinking?"

"Well the terminals in some of the buildings contain different IMC files," she explained. "The information seems to be very unorganized, as if they knew they were leaving and didn't want anyone snooping around."

"Why wouldn't they just erase the files?" I asked.

"The left in a hurry," Mirage piped in. "Once the war ended they had to get out of here before anything happened. I've seen the files while helping Wraith, they tried to erase them but didn't stick around long enough to make sure it worked."

"Making it disorganized." I finished.

"Exactly." Wraith nodded. "Now, there's two points in the arena that have the most information. However the IMC computers are set to reset passwords every other hour, to make it hard to crack, meaning we will only have time to get into one of them in the match."

"Why don't we just make two teams?" I wondered. They both looked at me confused. "Well if I go on one team and you on the other, each of us can get into the right terminals and download the information."

"Not a bad idea," Mirage said, "Except we would need someone else who can hack into those terminals. I can't be in two places at once."

"You mean your decoys can't hack a computer?" Wraith teased. "But, you weren't the only one who could help me break into them."

"Who-" Mirage started before he stopped himself. "No."

"I've heard she's back in town," Wraith went on.

"No! I think we could just do it in two matches."

"I'm sorry," I started. "Who?"

"How do you even know she's here?" Mirage went on ignoring me.

"Who?" I asked again.

"She messaged me. We were friends you know." Mirage huffed.

"I can't see her."

"So she'll be on Sly's team then."

"I'm sorry," I interrupted. "Who are we talking about?"

"How do you even know she wants to go back into the games?" Mirage went on.

"You do realize the only reason she took a break was because of you."

"Yeah but-" Mirage cut himself off and sighed.

"I feel like there's a lot of stuff I don't know right now," I said again, though no one was listening.

"Well if you think it's a good idea, you can go talk to her," Mirage said to Wraith.

"I'm going to," she said. "We're getting coffee this afternoon."


"What? She wants to catch up. I figure I bring Sly and we might be able to convince her to help us again."

"I'd rather not be dragged into this," I said, but again was ignored.

"Just," Mirage started. "Just, maybe don't mention me than? The kid is way more exciting anyway."


"It'll be fine Elliott," Wraith went on. "I'm sure she's not mad at you anymore." Mirage had no response to this so I decided to take the silence to my advantage,

"Can someone explain what's going on? Who is this person?"

"'Member how I said that things didn't get awkward between me and the other legends after?" Mirage said looking at me. "This one did." Mirage ran one of his hands through his hair. "I feel like it's a bad idea if I see her," I tilted my head.

"What could you have done that was so bad?" Mirage sighed again,

"I broke her heart." I nodded a few times.

"And she's a legend?" I pressed, curious.

"Yeah, not a bad one either."


"She calls herself Wattson."

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