Chapter 50

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With a champion game on the horizon it also meant that there was going to be another dinner party. And since we won last time it meant Mirage was hosting again. He spent the days leading up to it planning, claiming that he wanted to impress Octane who had never been to one of these. And with Wraith still nowhere to be seen it meant that Mirage was going into overdrive planning the party as a way to distract himself from worrying about her.

I tried to stay out of his way as much as possible, wanting to give myself some time to train. It was clear from the last game that taking a few weeks off had really worsened my aim. Mirage would occasionally come out to train with me however most of the time he was just asking what I thought about different ideas for the party.

Part of me was feeling nervous about the fact that a game this big was about to take place and our third teammate didn't want to train with us. While part of me was glad that Bloodhound was avoiding me, sparing us both from awkward interactions, it only seemed to make me dread the game and the party more and more.

"Just don't make it weird," Mirage was saying the day of the party as we sat around eating breakfast.

"Well it's too late for that," I mumbled taking a bite of my food. "They made it weird when they broke into my room." Mirage laughed a little,

"I think it was romantic." I raised my eyebrows,

"So if Octavio broke into your room you'd be okay with it?"

"If Tav broke into my room I am sure it would be for much different purposes." I gave Mirage a look of disgust and he laughed at me. "Listen. It'll go fine tonight. There'll be plenty of people here you can talk to instead." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and held back I comment I had about my feelings towards social gatherings.

"Okay," I finally sighed.

"That's the spirit!" Mirage proclaimed. "Now I need to go get ready."

"The party doesn't start for five more hours!"



This time Octane was the first to show up, per Mirage's request. The two of them spent the last hour before the party trying to 'decorate the house' which only resulted in the two of them creating more of a mess for me to clean up behind them.

Like last time, Pathfinder was the first to arrive at the party, this time carrying some sort of casserole.

"Hello friend Sly!" he exclaimed as I took the dish from his arms. "It is only four fifty-"

"Yeah, yeah," with the hand that wasn't holding the food I grabbed Pathfinder's arm and dragged him inside. He stood there looking baffled while I closed the door. Now that he was inside he followed me over to the kitchen and set down the food he had brought before looking over at me, the same smiling face still on his screen,

"How have you been friend Sly?" I grinned a little,

"I've been good. Can't believe it's already been four months since the last one of these."

"Amazing the passage of time!" the robot exclaimed, causing me to laugh a little. There was another knock on the door so I gave Pathfinder a pat on the shoulder and went to go answer it.

One by one the rest of the guests arrived, and each time I opened the door I prepared myself to face Bloodhound, feeling confident that I could get through the night without making the situation any worse than it already was. However, each time I opened the door, it was everyone but Bloodhound. By the time six o'clock rolled around the dinner party was in full swing and they were yet to be seen. Everyone was chatting with one another but like last time I had perched myself away from the crowd, keeping one eye on the door. Would they really bail on the whole thing just because of me? After half an hour of sitting by myself Mirage finally came and sat down beside me.

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