Chapter 54

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Everything started to blur together once I was on the drop ship taking us off of the island. I recall someone helping get me onto the ship while someone else got the others. The ship had a few people that worked with Apex who had jumped off the ship and began to look around for other people on the ground. I remembered seeing them drag a few dead bodies onto the ship before we took off again, however, my eyes were still focused on Bloodhound.

The ship had gotten crowded as it stopped at a few other points to pick up legends, both alive and dead however none of it mattered in this moment. Bloodhound's head was in my lap, their breathing getting more and more shallow as the wound on their side was still bleeding from the large flyer that bit into them. I wanted nothing more than to be able to take their helmet off of their head, to place my forehead on theirs.

Instead I focused on trying to keep pressure on the wound as we flew back towards the main island. Once the ship landed everything started getting rushed again. People flooded into the small ship and escorting us off, people taking the injured to get help or the dead to be revived. It was clear no one had been expecting this. Since I was deemed okay, I had to watch helplessly as the officials dragged away Bloodhound, putting them onto a stretcher.

"Bloodhound!" I called out as arms were put in front of me, blocking me from following wherever they were taking them. Big doors were slammed shut in my face and I slowly turned around, walking a few steps before freezing. I was in a wide open room. Everything around me was moving. There was yelling, crying, and the sound of alarms. People were running past me in every direction. I tried looking around for a face I recognized but I had lost Mirage when they took Bloodhound off of the ship.

I was glad that I still somehow had my mask on my face as I felt my eyes beginning to water. My feet were glued to the floor as people were pushing past me, not seeming to notice I was standing there. The room had begun to blur into one and my head had started to spin. This couldn't be happening. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Friend!" a cheerful voice suddenly exclaimed out of the blue. I blinked my eyes a couple times and when they refocused I saw who was in front of me,

"Pathfinder?!" I practically laughed. "You-you're okay!"

"Of course I am!" he replied back, screen still with a smiley face.

"Do-do you know what happened?"

"Someone blew up Repulser!"

"Yeah, b-but after that," I was stuttering my words. "T-they took away Bloodhound and I can't find M-mirage and the others were dead and-" I looked back up to Pathfinder who now had a sad face on his chest.

"I don't know friend." Without realizing what I had been doing I wrapped my arms around the robot. A second later he was hugging me back. I felt myself holding back a sob,

"Are they going to be okay?" I asked, head buried in the yellow scarf he had around his neck.

"I think so. These people are very smart!" I nodded a few times, still leaning into the robot. "Now, why don't we go try to find somewhere to sit, we are standing in the middle of everything here!" I nodded again and let go of Pathfinder, taking off my mask and wiping my eyes before any more of the tears had a chance to fall. I followed closely behind Pathfinder, not wanting to lose the only familiar face in the building. He led me over to a side hallway which had a lot less people running through and a couple chairs for us to sit in, which I did very eagerly.

Once sitting I put my head into my hands, trying to wrap my mind around what had just happened. Neither Pathfinder or I spoke for a few minutes, although I was glad to have someone sitting beside me. It was a few minutes later when I heard someone running up to us.

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