Chapter 67

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We were gathered in the common area outside of our rooms. They were going to be announcing the new legend any second.

"Do you think it is going to be someone we know?" I asked the handful of legends that were sitting in the room with me.

"It would be cool if it was a celebrity or something," Mirage answered. I looked to Bloodhound, who simply shrugged.

"It's probably going to be some nobody!" Octane exclaimed, bouncing into the room. "I heard all the people trying out were old military or something not exciting." I was about to reply to him when the Apex broadcast started. An announcer rambled on for a few minutes about the games and what a new player would mean and so on and so forth before finally getting to the good stuff.

"And the new legend, some of you may know, Jimmy 'The Forge' McCormick!" I squinted my eyes as I looked at the person on the screen.

"Holy shit!" Octane jumped up off of the couch. "Jimmy McCormick?!"

"Am I supposed to know who he is?" I asked no one in particular.

"Only the five-time Hyperfighting Federation Champion!" Octane exclaimed as if that was going to explain things.

"A wrestler?" Mirage asked, sitting a little further up as the man himself walked onto the screen. "That's pretty cool!"

"People still wrestle?" I asked, again to no one in particular.

"Shh!" Octane interrupted all of us, now sitting back down on the couch, though he was still buzzing with excitement. "I wanna hear what he has to say!" I looked back over to the T.V. where Forge was now standing in front of all of the cameras, plastering on a grin that read as arrogance. I could tell I wasn't going to like him already.

"Firstly!" he started. "I would like to give a big thanks to Hammond Robotics!" I crossed my arms. Definitely wasn't going to like him. Octane, on the other hand...

"Do you think he'll sign my trading cards?!" he was up off the couch now. "I bet one of dad's maids could mail them-" the door to his room shut as he dialled a number on his phone. I looked over to Mirage,

"He's going to frame those in the bedroom, isn't he?" he muttered. I rolled my eyes then looked over to Bloodhound.

"You a fan of wrestling?"

"What he does is not wrestling," they said. "Those Hyperfighting tournaments are all set up." I nodded.

"Yeah, they did that back in my day too."

"He's going to be in for a shock then when he gets here," Mirage piped in. "I wonder if he knows we really murder each other?" We all laughed.

"Now, Mr. McCormick," an interviewer went on.

"Please call me Jimmy," the new legend interrupted.

"Jimmy. Are you nervous about any of the other competitors in the games?"

"Who? The other legends?" Forge laughed. "I think I'll be okay." Now Mirage and Bloodhound both crossed their arms.

"What would you have to say about some of them? Makoa Gibraltar, for example?"

"Oh, well, nice and kind are admirable qualities when trying to get into heaven. Not so much in a bloodsport. This guy's not even on my radar."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Is he actually trash talking Gibraltar?!"

"I think he is," Mirage muttered. "This dude's a total prick."

"What about Pathfinder?" the interviewer pressed on.

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