Chapter 6

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I spent the night tossing and turning. After Mirage had left I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. As much as I didn't want to go back into the arena, it was the only place I had. He had offered to give me a place to stay, something I hadn't had in a while. And it wasn't like I could stay there and not join his team.

I also found that I was curious about who the other member of our team would be. He had said he had someone else. When the sun was up Ajay came into my room, carrying a bowl of oatmeal while D.O.C hovered in behind her.

"Sorry it's not that exciting of a meal today." I took the bowl.

"It's perfect." She began to walk out of the room. "Ajay?" She turned around and looked at me. "Are, are you fighting in the champion game coming up?" She grinned,

"Sure am!" she sounded excited. "Winning one of those would be a lot of extra cash for this place, meaning we could help a lot more people." I nodded,

"Makes sense."

"Why ya ask?"

"Just curious." She laughed,

"Well, I already have a full team, if that's what you was wondering." I grinned and took a bite of the oatmeal. "Once you're done that you are free to go. I'm afraid I am going to ask that you be gone by tonight however, we have some more folks who could use this room." I nodded,

"Absolutely. Thank you Ajay. For everything." I said as she was walking out the door. She flashed me a grin,

"Hope I see ya again. Next time, maybe when you aren't bleeding out, hm?" I laughed and waved goodbye. She waved back and D.O.C let out a few beeps.

I quickly finished up my breakfast and checked the clock. Nine A.M. I glanced down to the address Mirage had given me. I drummed my fingers against the table it was sitting on. If I left now I could make it there for the time he had given me. I glanced over to the suit that Sky had sewn. It was still covered in blood.

"What do you think Sky?" The suit did not respond. However I could hear Sky in my head. She had loved the Apex games. We would spend our nights watching them on the crappy little T.V I had put back together. She loved watching Bloodhound. Watching those gave a chance to escape the reality of our situation. I knew she would tell me to use them to escape my current situation.

I looked back over to the suit and sighed.

It was 10:16 when I walked up to Mirage's door. I had underestimated how far away it was. The house was in what was by far the nicest part of the planet I had seen yet. Walking through the neighbourhood reminded me of walking through the city back in my time. I looked at the white door in front of me.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come here." I was about to turn around and leave but the door swung open, even though I hadn't knocked. Mirage saw me and grinned.

"I told you she would come!" he yelled to someone in the room behind him. He looked back at me. "I kinda hyped you up and she didn't think I was that good at giving motivational speeches." He looked down at his watch. "You are a little late though, but that doesn't matter, come in, come in!" He spun around and began walking.

"Hang on." Mirage spun back around. "You'll really pay for my respawn?"

"Absolutely! Not that we'll need it though, we got this thing in the box!"

"Do you mean bag?"

"Why a bag?" he looked confused.

"Nevermind." He grinned again.

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