Chapter 13

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This time when I got to the arena things were a lot different. Since it was a champion game they had rolled out the red carpet. Literally. Mirage had insisted that we show up in a limo. I tried to protest but Wraith had told me it was useless.

We were already in the outfits we were going to be wearing in the arena as we drove in the limo. I had my mask in my hands and was nervously playing with it. Wraith was staring out the window, looking like she was deep in thought while Mirage was fixing his hair in the reflection from his phone.

"How do I look?" he asked once he was done.

"Like an idiot," I replied, smugly. He grinned a little,

"At least I'm not wearing a costume from a kids show from seven hundred years ago."

"It was not a kids show!" I exclaimed. "Well, I mean there were a few T.V shows, but also movies for adults!" Mirage shook his head. "I think you would actually like some of the movies. But something tells me you would like Iron Man more."

"Who is that?"

"A rich narcissist." Mirage pretended to look offended and I glanced over at Wraith to see her hiding a smile. I looked out the window and saw that we were getting close. I felt a knot tie in my stomach and I began to clutch the mask even harder.

"It's going to be fine," Mirage said, seeming to notice my anxiety. "Worst case scenario we all die and laugh about it at dinner tonight." I shook my head,

"That is never a sentence I thought I would hear." The limo pulled itself to a stop right in front of the carpet. Lined across the sides stood reporters all with cameras pointed at our car.

"Ready?" Mirage asked me. I nodded and he opened the door. Mirage went out first and waved to all of the cameras. He made a decoy appear to continue waving while he turned around and offered Wraith a hand getting out of the limo. Once she was out he offered his hand to me. "We got this," he said as I grabbed his hand. He led me out of the limo where I was instantly blinded by the flashing lights. I blinked a few times to adjust to the light. Mirage put one of his arms around my shoulders and the other around Wraith and was grinning ear to ear. This really seemed to be his element. Meanwhile Wraith was looking like she was holding back the urge to run into the building and away from everyone as fast as possible. Mirage led us over to where there was a reporter with a microphone she was waving in our faces.

"Mirage, Wraith and Sly!" she exclaimed as we approached, I felt myself grip my mask harder as I realized I was going to have to talk to this person who no doubt was filming for thousands of people. "A team no one saw coming!" 

"Kinda like how I didn't see her coming the first time!" Mirage responded to the reporter. I faked a grin as she looked over to me.

"How did you end up on the team with the person everyone thought hated you?" she asked while waving the microphone in front of me. I was taken a bit aback by her question but quickly brushed it off.

"Peer pressure," I said with a small laugh. The reporter laughed as well, seeming to have enjoyed my comment.

"Well best of luck to the three of you today!" And with that statement she was off to the next team showing up on the carpet. I followed Mirage into the building and when the door closed behind us I couldn't help but sigh.

"See?" Mirage said to me. "That wasn't so bad!"

"Yeah I feel like I'm going to vomit." Mirage laughed and gave me a pat on the back. I followed him to the hanger that contained the drop ship, it was still going to be a few more minutes till we all loaded on. I looked around at all the teams that had already arrived. I saw a few more familiar faces that I recognized from other matches but I knew not to doubt the ones I didn't know. They had won matches afterall. As we walked through I noticed that many people were looking over at me and my team.Most of the glares were hostile. At least, until I saw a face I recognized.

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