Chapter 65

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Caustic's gas had taken out the surviving team that was fighting in the tunnels, meaning I had to do no work.

"That was fun!" I exclaimed, looting one of Caustic's kills for an extended heavy mag for my Hemlock. Caustic glared at me. I looked back at the bodies on the ground and saw something red and shiny in one of the pockets of a backpack. "Oh?" I said out loud, grabbing the red item. "What is this?"

"Ay! Looks like we got a vault key!" Gibraltar exclaimed. I squinted my eyes and he pointed to a set of doors on the other side of the tunnel.

"We can go in there?! I thought they just put all the good stuff in there to torment us!" Gibraltar laughed again as I jogged the key over to the door. I looked between it and the door a couple of times and figured out how to unlock it. The doors swung open, I looked in and gold and purple loot looked back. "Wicked." I ran in first and grabbed myself a purple body shield as my team walked in behind me, grabbing loot for themselves as well. "So now what?" I asked once the vault had been ransacked.

"Well, the ring is closing around us," Caustic started. "My gas traps can keep us covered shall more teams seek the loot vault."

"You wanna just sit here?" I asked. Caustic said nothing so I looked over to Gibraltar who shrugged. I sighed and plopped myself down onto one of the benches the loot had been sitting on. Caustic set up a couple more of his traps while Gibraltar checked over his gear. After a minute or so, I already found myself bored and without noticing I found myself swinging my legs and clicking my tongue. Another minute passed and Caustic cleared his throat, when I looked over he glared at me. "Sorry," I mumbled, crossing my feet.

"There's a care package landing outside," Gibraltar said, breaking the silence. "Could draw some more players in here." My face lit up as I got an idea.

"I could play some music!" I said, already pulling out my little Bluetooth speaker. "That would draw them in!"

"Sly if I have to hear any of your incessant-" Caustic didn't have time to finish his sentence as Toxic by Brittney Spears started blaring out of the speakers. I grinned sheepishly and Gibraltar started to laugh. I bopped my head along to the music, laughing a little as well. By the time the song hit the chorus, Caustic looked over at me. "Sly? May I see that?"

"The speaker?" I squinted. "I mean sure?" I tossed the speaker over to him. Without breaking eye contact, Caustic let the speaker fall to the ground, lifted his foot up, and brought it down on top of the speaker. My mouth fell open as he picked it up and tossed it back at me.

"W-why?" I stuttered, looking down at the crushed machine. "I picked that song just for you!" I looked over to Gibraltar for help.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how you didn't see that comin' kid." I crossed my arms.

"Besides," Caustic went on. "Do you not have a partner now you can pester?" My eyes went wide.

"What? A partner?"

"Yeah what are you talkin' bout Caus?" Gibraltar looked as worried as I did. Bloodhound and I weren't planning on going public and here we were surrounded by live cameras.

"Oh, are you and Bloodhound not dating any longer?"

"Caustic!" Gibraltar said harshly. I simply sighed and ran my hands across my face.

"Of all the people we thought would leak it..." I muttered, hands still on my face.

"Oh," Caustic dragged out the word. "Was that not... public information?"

"What do you think?!"

"Oh..." he repeated, realizing what he had just done. "I-" he started but was interrupted by the sound of one of his gas traps being activated. Eager to change the topic, I spun my Peacekeeper around and ran off to go see who was trying to get into the tunnels. I climbed up on the walls and crept over.

"Full team of three here," I relayed into my coms. As I spoke there was another sound of a gas trap, this time from the other entrance to the tunnels.

"Three here as well," Gibraltar said. I sighed while putting on the gas mask Caustic had given me at the start of the round,

"I can't catch a break, can I?" It didn't take long for the fighting to start. Once the team at the back started firing on us, the team on my side pushed forward, wanting to take advantage of the fight, perhaps get some free kills. I made my way back to where my team was to help them as the two teams pushed in on us. Together, we were able to take out one of the teams. I was in the middle of reloading when Caustic threw something in my arms.

"Go set this up at the doors," he instructed as he finished reloading his Spitfire, taking it out on the other team.

"What?!" He did not respond and I sighed again as I carried the gas trap to the back doors. I stood there for a second, trying to figure out how to set it up when the sound of a Charge Rifle went off. Not even a second later I felt the beam from the sniper pierce my shields. "Shit!" Was all I managed to get out before another shot was fired again, this time cracking my shields and going through my stomach. I dropped the gas trap and fell to the ground, clutching my side.

"Sly?" I heard echoing through the tunnels.

"You got another team coming in!" I yelled back, trying to crawl myself over to a bit of cover, leaving a trail of blood behind me. I heard the sound of both my team and the enemies running closer as I leant myself against a rock, getting very light-headed from the amount of blood I was losing. The enemy team was about to run in when mine started shooting towards them, they took cover and soon I realized who was taking cover beside me, trying to kill my team. "Oh hey, babe." Bloodhound immediately spun their head around to look at me, charge rifle still in hand.

"What are you-?"

"No, no, it's cool. Caustic told everyone. Can you believe that? Caustic!" I laughed a little as Bloodhound's goggles filled with red. "He's in there." I nodded towards the tunnels and they took off. "Yeah... don't worry about me." I put my head back on the rock and groaned. "I'll just... bleed out..." My vision had started to go black. "Too bad I don't have any music..."


"Ay, kid, get up." I blinked a few times. Gibraltar was in front of me.

"This isn't my respawn room," I mumbled. Gibraltar laughed,

"We ain't dead yet!"

"We're not?" I groaned, sitting up. There were a few used medkits laying around me.

"Well, the two of us are." I tilted my head. "Bloodhound was very adamant about killing Caustic." Now I laughed,

"They'll probably do it again once everyone is respawned." Gibraltar shook his head but offered me a hand to stand up.

"Only two squads left. Ring's closing on the other side of our tunnel." I nodded a couple of times and followed him into the tunnel. As we walked I began to take notice of just how many bodies were on the ground.

"Jesus..." I muttered under my breath. It had been a massacre. "The poor sap who has to clean this up," I said while switching my Hemlock for a Flatline. We heard the sound of shots coming from outside the tunnel as the ring started to close. By the time we made it to the end of the tunnel, the fighting had already stopped. Jogging over to the buildings we ran into one of the teammates trying to heal up his teammate.

"Wanna see somethin' fun?" Gibraltar asked. I nodded eagerly. He grinned and pulled out a small device that he tossed towards the two enemies. Next, he pulled out his dome shield and placed it on the ground. "You might wanna stay under here," he laughed as the first of the bombardment began to fall. The standing survivor left his dying teammate in an attempt to try and run to cover but a second later a different voice boomed overhead.

"Attention. Winner decided." 


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