Chapter 60

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We ended up being stuck in the ring, having realized the map was even bigger than it appeared on the screen. I was still humming All Star as we each took a second to use syringes, getting rid of the pain from the ring.

"Where to next?" I asked while waiting for the others, poking my head into some of the buildings of Fuel Depo. Part of me was enjoying the new map and all of the new areas to explore. "This area looks picked clean."

"We need to get to Train Yard next," Wraith said, eying the map. "Looks like there's a tunnel here we can cut through." I nodded and the three of us took off again towards the new area.

"So," I started as we walked, not wanting to be in silence. "Are trains like, still a thing?" Both Wattson and Wraith looked at me, eyebrows raised. "Well like, we're going into Train Yard which implies to me that yes, you still have trains but like, trains are old technology, like way before me even." Natalie laughed a little.

"We still have trains. Although I imagine they're quite different than the trains you know." I nodded.

"That's cool. I liked trains. Well sometimes. Sometimes they would block up the road and you would be stuck in traffic for like-"

"Sly," Wraith interrupted me. I snapped my head over to her and saw her holding a finger to her lips, nodding with her head towards the tunnel we were about to walk into.

"Sorry," I mumbled. She made some signals with her hands that I understood to mean that there was a full team inside and that we were going to try to get the drop on them.

"Patching a tunnel," Wraith whispered after showing the plan. I gulped and watched her run into the tunnel, purple streaks flying out behind her, though she didn't make a sound as she ran. A second later the portal opened and the sounds of gunfire had already started on the other side. Wattson walked through the portal first, I followed a second later.

Having had less experience phasing through portals between dimensions, I made it to the other side feeling a little nauseated. I stumbled forward trying to walk while the world was spinning and nearly face planted on the ground. I felt a bullet whiz past my head and I quickly snapped myself back to attention, running to take cover behind a small box.

I poked my head around the corner and saw Wattson and Wraith under fire, though it looked like one of the enemies was down already. I ran forward, Alternator in hand to go help when I saw one of the last two enemies pull out a grenade.

"Look out!" I yelled as it landed at the feet of my teammates. Wraith disappeared into her void to avoid it, but Wattson found herself in the middle of the blast. Without thinking I turned myself invisible and ran behind the two enemies before the smoke from the grenade fully disappeared.

I held the trigger down on my weapon and unloaded the mag into the last two. One of them had already lost their shields and dropped fast. The second was down by the time he turned around and saw me standing there.

"Go team!" I exclaimed, scooping up a purple body shield from one of the people I had killed. I got no response. "Team?"

"Over here," Wraith replied. I jogged back over to where she was, remembering the grenade.

"Oh shit." Wraith had avoided the majority of the blast, however, was still down on the ground. Wattson on the other hand... "I'm coming Wraith." I knelt down in front of her with a medkit and began applying it, but Wraith shook her head.

"Save it for Nat," she weakly said. I gulped and looked down at the screen on my wrist, confirming that our third was killed.

"It's just us." Wraith cursed as I finished healing her. "We'll see her after."

"We need to get moving," Wraith said, ignoring my comment. "Rings closing in thirty."

"Right. That thing."

We took a second to loot the team we had killed before making our way up a small set of stairs leading out of the tunnel.

"We can make it if we cut through-"

"Is that an actual train?!" I cut Wraith off. "Oh my god. There's a train! Look!"

"Yes, very cool. Now-"

"It's hovering!" I gasped, watching the train get closer to where we were standing. "Are we allowed to get on the train?" I asked as it slowed to a stop in front of us.

"I would assume so. The ring's closing so we-"

"Can we take the train?!" Wraith looked over at me, eyebrows raised. "Please? It's going into the ring!" She didn't say anything. "Look how fun it looks! And then we don't need to run! We could save our energy for the next fight!"

"Sly," Wraith started.

"Pretty please?" As I said that the train sounded a whistle, signifying it was about to take off. I looked at Wraith, grinning under my mask.


"Yes!" I eagerly jumped onto one of the carts on the train just as it started to move. I ran to the front of the train and looked out. "This is so cool!" I looked back at Wraith, who did not look as excited as I felt about being on a train. I leant up against the side of the train. "C'mon, you've got to admit that it's at least, a little cool."

"It makes us a target." And with that she took off, walking towards the back of the train, gun still out

"A cool target!" I called out after her, jogging to catch up with her. "People will see us and go 'wow. Look at that cool team on the train not having to run. I wish that were me. Trains are awesome.'"

"That's exactly what they're going to say when they see us here." I laughed a little.

"This thing really moves though hey?" Wraith nodded once before looking back out one of the windows in the back car where we were now sitting.

"Looks like it is coming to a stop inside this city," Wraith explained. "The next ring is going to a place called refinery, it also looks like the train stops there as well."

"Are you suggesting we stay on the train?!"

"Wouldn't hurt to beat some of the teams to the next ring."

"Yes!" The train pulled to a stop in the middle of a city called Capitol, like Wraith had said and the two of us ducked down from the windows, trying not to draw attention to ourselves as we waited for the train to start moving again. "They should've added a train to the canyon," I whispered over to Wraith. "That would've been so convenient."

"Maybe you should suggest it to them."

"Maybe I should! They are rebuilding it, right? Once they get the dinosaurs out? Maybe they should also add a-"

"Shh," Wraith interrupted just as the train started moving again. I decided it be best for me to shut my mouth before saying what I thought the next best feature of the arena could be and peaked my head to where Wraith was looking "I think someone got on," she said a second later.

"Well I don't think we can exactly get off this thing right now," I said motioning to the fast-moving ground below us. Wraith shook her head. "How many?"

"At least one. Maybe more." Wraith pulled out her assault rifle and started slowly moving towards the front car, me following suit.

"It's Mirage!" I excitedly whispered to Wraith. This is perfect I can-" I was interrupted as I felt something metal across my face, knocking me backwards. I tasted blood in my mouth as I looked to see Crypto using his drone to take Wraith out, before he looked back at me, now pulling out a Wingman. "New guy?" The last thing I saw was him smirking before he pulled the trigger. 


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