Chapter 29

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I woke up back in a respawn bed, with no pain from the gas.

"I died didn't I?" I asked sitting up. Bangalore and Bloodhound here both in the room with me. They both nodded. "Please tell me we won." They nodded again and I grinned. "Thank God."

"You did create quite the distraction,"Bloodhound said. I laughed a little.

"And you guys doubted me."

"Still do," Bangalore said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and she laughed a little. "I got to go pick up Ajay from the port, you guys want to watch the game after that?" I nodded,

"Yeah, you guys can come to my place." We both looked to Bloodhound,

"I'm afraid I must be going," they said. Bangalore nodded and left the room. Bloodhound looked back at me. "Thank you for joining us today Sly." I grinned a little,

"Yeah, I mean I kind of slowed you two down a lot and then died, but yeah, no worries." Bloodhound shook their head.

"I will see you later felagi." I waved goodbye and they left the room, leaving me alone. I rolled myself out of the bed. It was time to go home.


"Another one bites the dust, huh?" Mirage said as I walked through the door. "Wasn't actually that bad of a song."

"That's what I'm saying! Music used to be so good!"

"Was funny how you died to your own song though." I rolled my eyes. "You okay after that?" I nodded and went into my room to change out of my bloodied suit, I would have to get it fixed up for my next match, although I wasn't sure when that was going to be. I went back into the living room and plopped down on the couch beside Mirage, who was watching a recap of the game I had just played.

"Have you heard from Wraith yet?" Mirage shook his head and I sighed.

"I think we should go out tonight!" he exclaimed. "It'll keep you distracted, I know some great clubs downtown! Tonights two for one shot night!" I raised my eyebrows.

"I think I would rather take Caustic's gas again than go to a club. But, I have plans."

"You do?!" Mirage said wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes again.

"Bangalore and Ajay are coming over to watch the game." Mirage groaned. "What?!"

"That means I have to change."

"What's wrong with what you're wearing?"


It was about an hour later when Bangalore and Ajay showed up, both of them in casual clothing.

"Thanks for filling in for me today Sly," Ajay said as they entered. I grinned,

"No worries! How's your friend?" She rolled her eyes,

"He's an idiot. But an alive one."

"Good to hear." She shook her head,

"I give him two weeks before he does something even stupider." Bangalore shook her head.

"One week." Ajay laughed.

"Evening ladies," Mirage said walking into the room, as he did I noticed that he had even done his hair. "Can I get you guys anything to drink?"

"What do you got?" Bangalore asked, walking over to the kitchen.

"Hey, Ajay," I said since she had stayed behind. "I wanted to give you this." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the card with my winnings for the match today. Ajay raised her eyebrows, looking at the card.

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