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Sonic's POV

I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock going off. I sighed in annoyance since i wanted to sleep a long while longer, but i had to go to school like everyone else. I turned of the alarm clock and sat up. I yawned while stretching. I heard tails calling for me to get up since i was gonna be late at school again. I got up from my bed and dressed into my clothes. I brushed my teeth, got my backpack ready, ate breakfast and was on my way to school with tails and knuckles.

Shadow's POV

I stood in front of my new school. This was gonna be the first school i ever went to, so i was really nervous. I left earlier for school to be sure to arrive on time. I walked through the front gate of the school and walked towards the principal's office.

Once i arrived at the principal's office a secretary asked me to sit on a chair and wait. So i sat down and waited till he called for me which he soon did. I got back up and walked into his office. He gave me my schedule for my classes and i walked out and went to my first class.

Sonic's POV

We heard the bell ring just as we walked through the school gate. We were just in time, but sometimes we were a lot later just because i was to lazy to get out of bed. We walked towards our first class. I heard that we had a new student in our class, i wonder who he is. I hope not that kind of rich guy who thinks he's better then everyone else. Hate those kind of people.

I had to separate from knuckles and tails because we didn't share the same class. Me, Espio and Silver did though. I walked into the classroom and sat down at my desk. I was one of the last to enter like usual. The teacher entered some time after me with the new student.

Some of my classmates started snickering. I couldn't blame him, he was born with fur that had those typical emo colors. I felt bad for the guy, i don't think he would have many friends with those fur colors. He looked down a bit when he heard their obvious snickering as well. Strange how the teacher never seems to hear the snickering. The teacher told him to introduce himself and he did. "my name is shadow the hedgehog and i'm 17 years old." He said. Shadow, fitting name for him if i must say. "that's good, shadow, now you can sit down at your desk which is next to sonic." The teacher said. He went to sit down on the only empty desk here and took his textbook like everyone else did. Now i had a good look at him. Remember when i said something about me hating a rich guy who thought he was better then anything else? Well this is the guy i'm talking about. You could easily see that he was rich by the expensive clothing he was wearing. He noticed me staring at him because i noticed him staring back in the corner of his eyes.

Shadow's POV

'why is he staring at me?' I thought as i stared back to make him stop staring. I always became nervous when someone was staring at me. And he wasn't even trying to hide it. i mouthed "don't stare at me." To him, but he only got a confused look on his face. He obviously couldn't lip-read. But he got the message because he went to look in front of him.

Class soon ended and we had a break so i walked outside and sat down on a bench. I looked at my schedule and saw that the next class was P.E. i sighed in annoyance. p.e meant changing clothing and i really didn't feel comfortable.

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