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Shadow's POV

I was quite surprised to find sonic like that. But i did like it though. I sat on top of him and removed my pj's. Sonic removed his boxers and placed his hands on my hip. "you ready?" He asked and rubbed hismelf against me. I was about to answer till a third voice interupted me. "ready for wha-oooohhhh..." The third voice said. I looked behind me and saw rouge standing there staring at us. "the rumor about you losing your virginity was true?" She exclaimed and made sure that the campers not to far away from us had surely heard it. "damn you rouge get out!" Sonic yelled and rouge quickly ran back to her own tent. Unfortunatly sonic wasn't excited anymore.

The next morning i was still feeling a little gloomy for being held up by rouge. I didn't talk to her all morning. She knew why and decided to just leave me be. The reason i was gloomy for being interupted was that i was really looking forward to it. Not only did i like being so intimate with sonic, but i think i wanted a child from him already. I know that we both are a bit young, but i wasn't going to school anymore anyway so it wouldn't be a problem. I think that sonic probably would still make a problem out of it if i would find myself to be having his child, but if it was just a little accident he couldn't be to mad about it right? I sighed and just told myself that i shouldn't think so crazy and instead make sure that sonic stayed focused on his next school year.

I stayed gloomy all morning till we had decided what to do. We had decided to take hike deeper in the woods to explorer the place a bit. I wasn't exactly in the mood for it, but i got over my gloomy mood and got excited about it anyway.

After amy and tails got back with some food from the shop we had packed some of it and took it with us since we didn't know for how long we were gonna be away. We left as soon as we packed just a few of the belongings we had brought along and quickly left. I was walking by sonic's side once again while he was talking to tails about random stuff.

Time passed by quickly and unfortunatly we had gotten lost as quickly. We didn't see anymore fellow campers during our walk and the trees and bushes got vaster. "where do you think we are?" Rouge asked and looked around. Knuckles just shrugged and looked around aswell. "maybe we should head back." I suggested. Not only were we lost, but evening was arriving aswell. "sure, but where is back?" Sonic replied and looked back at the path we've taken. "i don't know, we made so many turns i can't remember where our camp is." Amy said. We had decided to turn around and keep walking straight. Maybe we would end up at the entrance of the camping site or at our camp.

Night had fallen upon us. We were all tired from walking. I yawned and depended lazilyonto sonic's shoulder doing so. "you really are taking an advantage from it aren't you?" Sonic said as his shoulder got dragged down a bit. "you were the one telling me that i was allowed to depend on your shoulder if i got to tired." I said smilling and glanced up to him. Sonic glanced down on me and smiled back. "i guess i did." He said and looked back in front of him. Unfortunatly it was starting to rain. Amy and rouge raged in fury as their clothes and hair were getting wet. We continued walking just faster.

The ground was getting really muddy and hard to walk on. The rain was making it hard to see aswell. Me and sonic somehow got seperated from the others. We looked around and tried to find them by calling their names, but none of them were returned. "oh no, where are they?" I said and kept looking around. I coughed and sonic looked at me in concern.

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