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Shadow's POV

A month passed by and i was now 3 months far. I was reliefed to know that because it meant that the baby was now over the most vulnerable part of the pregnancy. I had been also noticing a small bump forming on my lower belly

By the time i was halfway through my 4 month i was starting to notice a small movement. It felt so wonderfull. But after watching a really scary horror movie then it felt a bit creepy. I was a sucker to horrors and thrillers. And sonic obviously saw this as an opportunity to scare me out of my wits. I made him regret it soon enough. he really did and quickly apoligized for it.

It was a shame we hardly got anytime to spent with eachother. Last year we couldn't complain because we always had the same classes and always were together because of them. But now it was as if we both had seperate lives now. Only having a little bit of time with eachother during the morning, evening and between school and sonic's part-time job. It was sad, really, but i think it's partly my fault. I could've just stayed at school. But instead i had to be selfish and quite school because i failed my first year of ever going to school. I can't deny that i'm regretting that now, but i can't deny that i'm not feeling bad at all for leaving it either. It made me feel content that i probably would've been stuck pregnant in school and that would make me leave anyway, but at the same time if i had stayed then i could help sonic support us in the future when we would be living on our own.

I sighed and stopped my train of thoughts by finishing up the cleaning in sonic's house. maria was still busy cleaning upstairs. She had offered to help ever since i had gotten in my fourth month. They didn't want me to get sick because of working around the house to much. Not that i was straining myself in any way. But that didn't keep her from helping. She didn't have to go to school today because she had a day off and so she had decided to help me. On times when she was in school it was mom who helped me when she had a small break. When sonic had a free day he went to visit his mom. he still didn't talk alot to her, but he wasn't completely silent in her presence anymore. He had told her about the fact that she was going to be a grandmother soon and about the upcoming school festival that we were both going to attend.

I was a bit nervous to go. Nobody, as far as i know, knew about the baby. So i was a bit nervous as to how they would react if some of my older classmates would notice the bump. The festival was on the same time i would be in my sixth month, since it would be in may and it was march now. So i was a bit worried that they might notice. Sonic was a bit excited for it, though. To be honest i was a bit to because then i would see all of our friends again. I hadn't seen them in 9 months. I couldn't wait to see them again.

I was sitting in my parents private little hospital in our 'shed'. or we called it a 'shed' even though it looked like a mini-me version of our mansion. I was sitting on a table in a room of it. Mom wanted to monitor personally monitor my pregnancy because she didn't trust another doctor doing that. "okay i'm here. you can lay down now, honey." She said and walked into the room. I did what she told me and laid down on it. We wanted to wait with the ultrasound for sonic, but he was still stuck in school. So he couldn't come. He may miss this ultrasound, but he can still go to the others.

It took a while to get it ready because it hadn't been used yet. I lifted my shirt and looked at the small bump. Mom put some sort of gel on my belly and started to search for the baby. "aw, there it is." She said catching my attention. "or, should i say, there they are?" She said and smiled.

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