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Shadow's POV

During our walk i had been talking with amy while walking to sonic. We had passed a few fellow campers who had already settled down in a good spot. We didn't want to bother any of them so we wanted to keep a good distance from them.

After a long walk dinner time was arriving and we found a good spot near a small undeep lake. I had no idea how to set up our tent so sonic had to do most of the work setting it up. We then made a small campfire since evening was arriving aswell and i gave sonic his lunchpacket and then started on mine. Just like we had agreed everyone had their own lunchpacket ready for the first two days. We would of course stay longer then just a two mere days since we took a whole day just arriving here, but we also agreed that two of us would daily get us something to eat in a shop near to the camping entrance.

After our small dinner we had decided to get some decent rest and call it a night. Me and sonic were laying on our sleeping bags trying to fall asleep. Sonic was looking upward towards the 'ceiling' while i was facing him. "uhm, sonic?" I started with a bit of a nervous tone in my voice. "what?" He asked and faced me aswell. "can i hold your hand?" I asked nervously and looked at his hand. "of course you can. don't be so nervous." Sonic said and extended his hand towards me a little. I smiled and held it. I went to lay on my side and snuggled closer to sonic and laid my head on his chest. I yawned and fell asleep not long after.

Sonic's POV

Both of us had fallen asleep fast. Only to be awoken by a scream coming for amy's and tails' tent. Shadow got a bit frightened by the shock and i got up and hurried out of our tent. Knuckles and rouge had been awoken aswell and were peeking out of their tents. Shadow had followed me out of our tent and watched me when i hurried towards tails and amy. "tails? amy? what's wrong?" I yelled and watched tails sleepily crawl out from the tent and yawn. Amy crawled out and looked like she was scared to death. "s-s-sonic...t-t-there...t-t-there." She stuttered and held a flaslight close to her chest. "it's nothing, it was just a spider." Tails said and yawned again. "i already got rid of it." He finished and almost fell asleep standing. I sighed in annoyance. We all got awoken just for that? I went back to our tent and crawled back in next to shadow. He had already fallen asleep again. I sighed and fell back asleep sometime after.

The next morning i woke up to see shadow sitting on top of me already dressed and waiting for me to wake up. "good morning." Shadow said and smiled. "good morning." I replied and sat up with shadow still on my lap. "want a sandwhich?" He asked and held one in front of me. "don't mind if i do." I answered and took it and started eating it.

After breakfast i had dressed into my clothes aswell and got out of the tent. Shadow followed closely behind as always. "so what do you suggest we do?" Knuckles asked and sat on a chair facing the small lake close by. "how about we go for a swim?" Rouge suggested and crawled out of her tent. She was already wearing her swimsuite so it was clear it had already been decided. I sighed in annoyance. I really wasn't a fan of water. Not at all.

Later on we were all dressed into our swimming garments. Shadow had his arms wrapped around his waist as he obviously felt uncomfortable. Must be the scars. He had been showing more then half of them as he wore a pair of shorts and a t-shirt when we got here, but those scars weren't as nearly as big as the one of his stomache. Thought, the others knew about shadow's scars and past by now. So i didn't really get what was bothering him. Maybe it was because other campers could see him if they happened to pass by. I don't know, but what i do know is that i wasn't going to like this.

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