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Sonic's POV

It felt like our hug took an eternity. Shadow had been snuggling into my chest during our hug. With him being pressed agaisnt me i could feel every little move he did. So i was able to feel his lip tremble as if he was nervouse. What was he so nervouse about? I was about to ask him, but then i felt shadow lay a soft kiss on my chest. "hmmm?" I hummed and looked down at him. Shadow looked up and smiled with a light blush on his cheeks. He grabbed my hands and moved them from the place on his lower back to a much lower place. I smiled and leaned down to kiss his neck. Shadow smiled and closed his eyes before wrapping his arms around my neck again. Because we were in a public lake i had to controll myself till we were back at the camp in our tent.

As soon as night had fallen i had shadow pinned down on my sleepbag while kissing his neck. Shadow had his eyes closed and had a smile on his face. "sonic, please get on with it." Shadow said and wrapped his legs around my waist. "wow, you're in a hurry." I chuckled and lifted his hips a little. "no, i'm not." Shadow said and laid his hands on my back. I positioned myself and thrusted in. Shadow made a sound that was between a wince and moan. I pulled out again and thrusted back in on a regular base. Shadow had his legs wrapped around my waist to ensure that escape was impossible. Not that i wanted to escape. Not on this moment that is.

Shadow's POV

It felt so good to feel him thrust against me. More then it did the first time. maybe it was because my body felt ready for this. I knew that, but it wasn't that i was going to tell sonic about it. I didn't want to ruin this moment.

I felt sonic pull out again and thrust back in. He was starting to speed up in his thrust. I had moved my right hand from his back to the back of his head. He had snuggled his muzzle in the crook of my neck. It was pleasant to feel his breath on my throat. I moaned and held tightly onto him. I could feel sonic deepen his thrusts. He pulled out completely and leaned on his hand and knees. Because of this i couldn't keep my hold on him and had to let go. "what's wrong?" I asked in concern. "i think i should wear protection before i do something stupid." Sonic said and looked through his bag for something to protect himself with. "do something stupid?" I repeated and sat up in confussion and dissapointement. "yeah, i don't know why, but you've got this weird smell and it's making me lose controll. and it had the biggest effect on me when we were cleaning ourselves. so i just want to be safe." Sonic said and kept rummaging through our bags to look for something. "that doesn't matter. why wear protection?" I answered. I was pretty dissapointed. "why not? i don't think you want to get stuck preg-" He started, but he didn't finish his sentence as realization hit him. "you want a baby don't you?" He turned to me. I nodded and looked down in embarrassement. "that's why you wanted to get it going the night on the day before yesterday and in the lake." He said. I nodded again. "can we...continue?" I asked hesitantly. "yes, when i wear protection that is. i'm sorry, but i'm not ready to become a father. i'm still in school." He said and hugged me as an apology. I hugged back and pulled him down.

Once he found one, he pulled it on quickly and pinned me down softly again. Sonic's thrusts were a bit slow and awkward. He must be thinking about what he had realised not to long ago. But soon they went back to being deep and full of pelasure again. I began to smile again when that happened. He might be wearing protection to prevent it from happening, but i'm sure we'll get our chance on a family when we were both ready. I kept moaning in rythm with his thrusts till i felt him cum. It felt diffirent then our first time, but it was still satisfying to me. I sighed and looked at him smilling. Sonic pulled out and kissed me goodnight. I returned it before falling asleep.

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