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Shadow's POV

I was getting annoyed at this point. Rouge kept asking questions and there was no way in stopping her. I looked at sonic and he had been looking at me. He probably knew that i was getting annoyed by the look on my face. I couldn't wait till this class was over. Maybe then she would stop asking questions about him and sonic.

Class was over, much to my relief, and i and sonic walked towards our next. Which was p.e. we arrived at the gym and i waited for sonic to get ready. "why don't you get ready for p.e." Sonic asked as he pulled of his shirt. "it's embarrassing to change." i said and had to blush a little at seeing sonic's, pretty muscular, chest. It was only me and sonic because we were a bit late, so i didn't mind that my blush was visible. "it's not that embarrassing to change, everyone has to do it, so it's not really embarrassing." Sonic said and noticed my blush and grinned a little. "maybe not for you, but with body as mine it is." I said and looked in front of myself. "i'm sure that it won't be that embarrassing. now go ahead and change. we're alone so only i will see it." Sonic said smilling.

Sonic's POV

Shadow sighed and stood up. He took of his jacket and opened his bag in which his gym attire was in. He looked at me and i gave him a confused look. "don't look at me when i'm changing." Shadow said making me a little annoyed. Shadow could porbably understand annoyence because i couldn't know how he looked like beneath his clothes. "pfff, fine then." I said and turned around. Shadow sighed in relief and stripped down from his pants and shirt, so he was left in his boxers. I got a bit curiouse though and looked at my lover from the corner of my eye which shocked me. Shadow didn't only have a very feminine figure, making him seem very fragile, but he had several scars. Not scars from wounds, but more like scars you could get after being operated on. He had some scars on some of his joints, which were his right elbow, right wrist, a small one on his left shoulder and some on his fingers on his left hand. I hadn't even noticed those scars on his left hand before, maybe that was because shadow had tended to hide it, but i didn't really say anything about it because it didn't really bother me. Shadow also had some strange scars on his belly as if someone had done a major operation there. Making me wonder what had happened in his past.

"sonic!" Shadow yelled once he saw me looking at him and pressed his shirt against his chest to hide the scars at his belly. "i'm sorry, i just got curious to why i couldn't see your body." I said and turned fully towards the smaller hedgehog. "well now you know!" Shadow said raising his voice and sat down on the bench in anger and crossed his arms. "hey, i'm sorry, okay?" I said and sat down next to shadow. "i understand why you didn't want me to see it. but don't worry, i don't mind your body at all. to me your beautifull the way you are." I said and wrapped an arm around him. "really?" He said a bit of a high and anxious voice and looked at me. "really." I said and smiled to make him feel certain that i was telling the truth. He smiled back carefully. I leaned in and kissed him while softly stroking on his leg where coincidently was a scar. Shadow pulled back on that moment when i started stroking his leg there and looked down making me confused. "what's wrong?" I asked. "nothing, but my scars are a bit sensitive." Shadow said and i looked down to notice that i had been stroking a scar on his leg and so i pulled back quickly. "i'm sorry." I said and tried tp apologize. "you don't need to apologize. they're just a bit sensitive. you're not hurting me." he said and smiled at me. I smiled back. Shadow got up and continued dressing into his gym attire.

Class began and i had a bit of guilt eating at me while shadow was looking down in embarrassment. Everyone in class was staring at him because of shadow's scars on his arms on legs. "this is why maria's parents didn't allow me to partake in gym class." Shadow silently whispered towards me while lowering his ears in embarrassment. "i'm sorry. i didn't know that they would act this way." I said and couldn't help but notice the whispering of the gossiping students.

much to shadow's relief gym class was soon over and it was break. Some students had walked up to us and asked what those scars were, but shadow didn't answer them. However, this made me thinking. Where did those scars come from anyway?

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