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Shadow's POV

I hope he's not gonna question why i had difficulty pulling him up, but didn't have any with kicking those guys' asses. But he probably will. "how come you just had hard time pulling me up?" oh, right on cue. "it's hard to explain." i said, but unfortunately he waited for that explanation. "you know chaos energy?" I whispered towards him. "yeah." He said nodding. "you figure out the rest." I said and walked towards class as the bell went off. I looked behind me and saw him glare at me with a pout. That was all i could say. I couldn't explain it to him. He wouldn't understand. To be honest it was because of the healing i did during sleeping that i had lost strength. When i healed i didn't just lose a bit of strength. I always lose a lot of strength. I hated that. It would be a while before i would get my full strength back.

I arrived in class as one of the first as usually and sonic arrived as last as usual. It was music class again so sonic sat down next to me. I hope he wouldn't ask for a better explanation. I wouldn't want to explain it and then look like a freak afterwards.

Sonic's POV

I would've liked an explanation. But shadow didn't give me one to much dislike. But i guess he had a reason for not explaining it to me. I sat down next to shadow and followed the class with my occasional daydream.

The classes went by fast and soon it was lunch time. Shadow walked towards his and rouge's usual table with a food tray. "hey, new kid!" That brown bat said. Shadow looked at him curious about what he was gonna say to him. But unfortunately it was only to get shadow's attention while the hawk stuck out his foot childishly making shadow trip. Shadow tripped making his food drop and fell onto it. And typically those two and others started laughing at him.

Rouge walked towards him and kneeled down next to him. "are you okay?" She asked and helped him up. "i'm fine." He said with a sudden harsh tone in it. "are you sure?" rouge asked. "yes, i'm fine." He whispered with the same harsh tone in it. Only me and rouge heard it because we were the closest to him and weren't laughing at him. The only ones who weren't laughing either were my friends. Shadow got up fully and walked out of the cafeteria. "aren't you going after him?" Knuckles asked rouge. "no, he needs sometime alone now." Rouge said, but that didn't stop me from following him.

Shadow's POV

I couldn't believe i just got humiliated like that. I have had enough humiliation to last a life time. Why does it have to be in school as well? I walked into the bathroom and held a hand beneath the water after letting it run. I winced a little as the water touched a wound i got there. I had cut myself on a knife accidently when that jerk made me trip. I focused myself on the wound so it would heal. It healed quickly and i heard a gasp from behind me.

I turned around and saw sonic staring at me shocked. He probably saw me healing. i bit down on my lip because of him seeing me. My knees buckled beneath me because i lost strength off the healing. Sonic reacted by wrapping his arms around my waist to keep me up. I blushed at him holding me like that. "i wanted to ask if you were okay." He said to get the awkwardness of him holding me like that away. "i'm feeling a little better." I replied and looked at him. "you can let me go now." I said and sonic let me go. But he quickly made me cling onto him as my knees buckled again. "i don't know what you just did, but whatever you did it must've taken a lot of energy from you." He said on which i replied with "probably.". "i'll take you to the nurse office." He said and waited for me to nod before he picked me up in bridal style, making me blush even harder, and walked towards the nurse office.

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