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Shadow's POV

"His father?" I said in a strange monotone i tended to use at times. "yes." He replied. "how do you know for sure?" I asked just to keep him talking till i decided what to do. "i know because he's the only one who has fur as blue as mine. and he..." He started, but he didn't continue. "he?" I pressed on. "he ignored me, so he must be my son." He said and looked down a bit angry at that. "i see, then i must ignore you to." I said and opened the door and walked back inside. I was about to close it when he roughly grabbed my wrist. "what is your relationship with him?" He said and dragged me back outside. "none of your bussiness!" I yelled and pulled my arm back. It was red where he had held my wrist. I rubbed it painfully. "if you know my son then y-" He began angrily, but i cut him off harshly. "he's not your son." I said harshly. Those words must've stabbed him. That is. If he cared about sonic at all. "o-of course he is!" He yelled. "if you really considered him as a son you wouldn't have left his mother for another as soon as he was born. you've always avoided the responsibility of being a father. how dare you have the nerve of coming here like it isn't a big deal." I said with the same harsh tone and closed the door in his face. Really, how dare he come back after all these years? I walked back into the livingroom and watched the man leave through the window. I was glad he was gone. If sonic had been here it must've saddened him alot.

I was sitting on the couch looking through the window. I was waiting for sonic to come back home from his job. I saw him walking to the front door. I smiled and quickly got up from the couch and hurried towards the front door. I opened it and wrapped my arms around sonic. "sonic, i'm so glad you're home." I said like i did every evneing he came home. "hey." He said smilling, but something was off about it. he was still sad about his mother, but this was about something else. "hey!" He yelled as he noticed the big bruise on my left wrist. "it's nothing." I replied, but that obviously didn't fool him. "where did you get this?" He asked and held my left hand and pointed at the bruise. I sighed and explained it to him.

Sonic's POV

My dad had been here? If it was him, how could he have hurt shadow? It made me angry so much. "is he going to come back?" I asked. "i don't know, but i have a feeling he is." He answered. I hope not when i was in school or at my part-time job. I couldn't stand it if shadow got hurt worse. "don't think like that! i can still take care of myself. don't forget that i beat up a pair of bullies before they could lay as much as a finger on me." He said a bit grumpy. He probably knew what i was thinking. Not such a big surprise. After all, we've been together for a year now. He knows me pretty well now. "yeah i know." I said and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Shadow smiled and leant his head on my chest. "Imagine what it'll be like." Shadow said smilling. "imagine what?" I said and leant my head on his. "imagine what it'll be like if you could come home like this and have me look out for you when you made yourself tired on your work." He said and smiled dreamily. "shadow, i kinda do." I replied chuckling. "but not as husband and wife." He said with that same smile still on his face. "wife?" I asked a bit confused. "someone has to play that part and judging by our situation it's obviously going to be me." He replied and looked up to me. "i guess." I said and smiled back a little worried. He doesn't need to think so far in the future. "i'm sorry, i can't help it." He said, once again, reading me like a book. I smiled and looked back at him. "don't worry, i keep my imagination to a reasonable level." He said and laughed a bit. "i hope so." I replied and chuckled a little."you should get some rest." Shadow said and got up. "maybe i should." i said and got up aswell. "we should visit your mom in the weekend. you didn't have the time to visit her for a while." Shadow said and walked out through the front door. I nodded and followed quickly. "uhm, tomorrow?" He said. "yeah, see ya." I said. "uhm...do you mind if i stay here tonight?" Shadow asked and smiled hopefully at me. "of course i can." I said. Shadow smiled brightly and ran off to grab his pj's.

Not to long after, me and shadow were laying in my bed. Shadow had his head on my chest and had one arm wrapped around me. "i love you, you know?" Shadow said and looked up at me. I smiled at him. Shadow leant upward to me and kissed me. I kissed back. Shadow deepened the kiss and went to sit on top of me.

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