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Shadow's POV

"w-what do you mean 'they'?" I asked and looked at the screen. "it's a twin." She said smilling and showed me the two figures on the screen. "a twin." I repeated and looked at them. "yes, wanna know their genders?" She said and looked from the screen away towards me. I nodded and waited for her to reply. "boys. they're both boys." She replied and looked back at the screen. She let me listen to their heartbeats and i couldn't help but cry at the sight and hearing it. "a twin. i can't believe it." I said and smiled.

I was sitting on sonic's couch. i was waiting for him to come home. I was so excited to tell him the news that we were going to have a twin. I heard the front door open and hurried towards him. "hey, how are you feeling?" He said and greeted me with a kiss. "we're feeling fine." I said and returned the greeting. "that's nice. why are you so excited?" He asked and chuckled. "sonic, we're having a twin!" I said pretty loud. "we are? i can't believe it!" He said and happily held me close. I smiled and returned the embrace. "i can't believe it." Sonic said and laid a hand on my head.

When he pulled away i walked towards the couch and sat down on it. Sonic sat down on the ground on his knees in front of me and laid his hands on my belly and talked to it as if the twin would talk back. I couldn't help but laugh whenever he would say something funny or completely ridiculious.

Some time later he had fallen asleep on my lap. I smiled and kept stroking his quills. I yawned and laid back agaisnt the couch. before i knew it i had fallen asleep.

Sonic's POV

The next morning i woke up to find myself sleeping on shadow's lap again. I looked up and found that shadow had been sleping aswell. I smiled and got up. I picked shadow up in bridal style and walked upstairs. He was a bit heavier then he normally was. Must be the twins.

Upon arriving in my room i walked towards my bed and laid shadow down on it. Shadow curled up a little and had his arms wrapped around his bump. He had a content smile on his muzzle. i smiled at the sight and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Some time passed by and i was still taking a long warm shower. I didn't notice the door opening and closing. I only noticed that someone was in the room was when i felt two arms wrapped around my waist. "good morning." He said smilling. I turned around and wrapped my arms around him. He smiled and laughed a bit. "what's so funny?" I asked wondering a bit about what shado would find so funny. "nothing really. i just reminded myself something." He said. "what is it?" I asked. "well, that i'm in my fifth month now of course." He said and smiled happily towards me.

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