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Sonic's POV

I looked in shock at the police car at my front yard. I hoped he was just asking direction or if he needed to be at a diffirent house. I walked towards my house and the police car. "are you sonic the hedgehog?" He asked. He was looking for me after all. "yes that's me. is something wrong?" I asked in concern. I don't think there was something wrong. If there was mom would've called me. Wouldn't she? "as a matter of fact there is. I wanted to tell you sooner, but you weren't at home." The police man said. "well, i was on a camping trip with my friends and amte. tell me what?" I explained. "i see, well, i have some bad news." The police man said.

My eyes widened as the police man explained. I turned around and ran to the nearest hospital. The police man tried to stop me, but i didn't listen. I just had to go. I ran as fast as i could. This couldn't be happening, could it?

I arrived in the hospital and asked for the person i was looking for. I quickly jogged towards the room and walked in. "mom?" I asked and walked inside. Mom was laying on the bed with something over her muzzle to help her breath. Most of her body was wrapped in bandages. I walked to her side and held her hand. "mom." I said again and got tears in my eyes. "the police told me what happened. why didn't you tell me?" I asked and held her hand with both of her hands. The police man had told me that witnesses had said that a man was harrassing her and she went home, but when the man had followed her. She didn't concentrate on the road because of the man and got hit by a bypassing car. "why didn't you tell me?" I asked again and bend down to layd my head on her chest and wrapped my arms around her neck and cried.

After a while i felt a hand stroke my back. I jumped a little, but i soon came back to my senses and looked behind me. I saw shadow standing behind me. He looked at me with so much pity in his eyes. I pulled completely away from the woman laying on the bed and wrapped my arms around my mate nuzzling my muzzle into the side of his neck and cried harder. "oh sonic." Shadow said and wrapped his arms around me and stroked my quills. "i'm so sorry." he said and held me close.

Time passed by while i kept crying into shadow's shoulder. we had moved from our standing position. Shadow was sitting on a chair close to mom's bed. I was sitting on my knees and had my head in shadow's lap and my arms wrapped around his waist. Shadow was still stroking my quills. He wasn't saying anything, but his presence alone was comforting enough for me. Shadow started to hum a small lullebay. I recognized it. It was from mom's music box. Mom always used to sing that lullebay to help me sleep when i was little. Shadow must've heard it and memorized it. I felt very gratefull for that. I closed my eyes and felt myself slowly falling asleep to shadow's humming. Before i knew it, i was in a deep slumber.

Shadow's POV

I knew that there was something wrong. I just knew it. I was already dressed in my pj's, but as soon as the feeling got worse i dressed back into my clothes and walked out. I got worried about sonic and walked towards his house. Sonic passed me running. I called out to him, but he didn't hear me. I ran to his house to see if something happened there. I saw that a police man was about to leave and asked him what had happened. He had told me about sonic's mother and i hurried over towards the hospital aswell.

In the hospital i saw sonic crying. I felt so bad for him. I wanted to comfort him and so i tried my best to atleast allow him to cry his heart out so he would feel a little bit better. Sonic had fallen asleep not to long after.

I wanted to stay awake for sonic. So i didn't sleep at all that night. No matter how sleepy i became. I wanted to stay awake and be there for him if he would wake up again and needed me. So i didn't care about getting exhausted. Sonic was more important to me.

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