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Shadow's POV

"s-sonic." I giggled blushing. I was laying on my belly on my bed. Sonic had turned off the movie and he was laying on top of me. he was kissing my shoulder and he was stroking between my legs. Who told him that i was a herm? Sonic kept stroking on that particular place. "oh sonic." I moaned still blushing. Sonic chuckled. To him it was amusing that i was acting as if we were already doing it. He began moving against me and not only did it make me do the same movement, but strangely my tail lifted on it's own. I hope that it didn't mean anything specific.

Sonic spread my legs apart and lifted my hips a bit. "you ready?" He asked and got rid of his pants. Somewhere while watching the movie i had already lost my clothes. I don't know how he did it without me noticing though. I nodded. Sonic thrusted in making me wince. He thrusted in fully really quick and stopped there. I winced and held tightly onto my pillow. i knew that first time was going to be difficult, but i had no idea it was going to hurt this much.

"are you okay?" He said as some time had passed by. I was feeling a bit better and so i nodded while panting alot. Sonic smiled and pulled out only to thrust back in again. I moaned. The pain was still present, but not as much and i mostly felt pleasure now. I was blushing as sonic fastened his actions. "oh sonic!" I yelled and laid a hand on his right upper leg. I was supporting my upper body with my left elbow now. It was a bit difficult, but i managed to stay in place. Sonic had his arms wrapped around my body and thrusted harder. Sonic had once told me that he had only done it a few times, but to me it felt like he was a pro at this. I turned my head and kissed sonic. Sonic kissed immediatly back and our kissing went from soft kisses to a nice make out. I had to pull away to catch my breath at times.

"is there something wrong?" I asked when i felt sonic let go of my waist and pull out. "no nothings wrong, i just want you to change position because i wanna see your face." He said and winced when he looked down. He got up from the bed and waited for me to change position. I sat up and saw why he had winced. There were a few tiny blood spots on the bed and between my legs. This was gonna hurt for a few days. I went from sitting to laying on my back. Sonic went back on top of me and thrusted in. I expected to feel pain again, but felt none. I started moaning again when sonic started to thrust. I had my knees bend towards my chest and had one arm around sonic's back and one at sonic's tailbone. I had my eyes closed and my cheeks were red from blushing. "oh sonic, please deeper." I moaned loudly. I could've sworn that i was to be heard throughout the whole house. I was glad that it was just me and sonic here. Sonic held tightly onto my hips and started to thrust deeper as i had requested him. He started to groan and pant aswell and started to not only get a bit rougher in his actions, but also started to speed up alot. "oh god! sonikku!" I yelled and moved my left hand, the one on his back, onto his shoulder.

"sh-shadow...shadow, i'm-i'm going to." Sonic panted. I didn't know what he meant, but i didn't think anymore of it as i felt something warm spill into me. "sonic, what're you doing?" I asked. Sonic didn't listen to me as he was laying on to of me trying to catch his breath. I hope he didn't do what i think he did. If he did then that would've been really gross. "sonic, you didn't have to go to the bathroom, did you?" I asked getting a weird glare from him. "y-you didn't think that i...my god, shadow! it's called cuming!" He said agitated. "cuming?" I asked confused about what that word meant. "yes, cuming." He explained, but i still kept the confused expression. "i dumped a load of sperm in your womb." he said. He was agitated, so he didn't care that he gave me that weird explanation. My eyes widened and my mouth gaped open and i sat up on shock. "what?" He asked in concern. "oh my god, i'm pregnant!" I yelled in a fit of panic. "no you're not pregnant! it doesn't happen that fast." Sonic explained me to calm me down. I hope he was right. I didn't feel ready to take care of a child. "don't worry." He chuckled and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back. i was certain that he was right. After all, it couldn't have happened so fast...could it?

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