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Sonic's POV

I arrived at my house. I opened the door and found my mother drunk on the couch again. I sighed and shook her lightly. "mom, you shouldn't sleep here but in bed." I said. She woke up and looked at me smilling. "you're home." She said and sat up tiredly. "i have been drinking again, huh?" She said and looked down in regret. Sometimes she just couldn't stop herself from taking booze. "you should go to bed." I repeated and helped her up. I helped her upstairs to her bedroom while she walked along sloppily. I laid her down on the bed and watched as she fell asleep instantly. I sighed and walked out of the room.

Mom had been wasting her life by drinking. She has been like this ever since dad had left her for someone else as soon as i was born. So i don't have any memory of her being a good mom, but i apreciate her none the less. If it wasn't for her then i wouldn't be here and if i wasn't here then i would've never met shadow.

I walked into my own bedroom and started to work on my homework. I opened the drawer of my desk and saw an empty frame in it. I had bought it not to long ago. I wanted to put a photo of shadow in it. I smiled thinking about him. I must be honest, i've never felt that way about anyone. I wanted to get really serious in our relationship. I finished my homework quickly and sended shadow a text message. He sended back after a long while making me chuckle. He was obviously not used to texting.

Night was approaching soon and i had decided to go to sleep. I undressed till i only wore my boxers and then laid down on my bed.

The next morning i got up from my bed and stretched my arms, back and legs. I took a quick shower and walked back to my own room. On my way to my room i passed my mom's room and looked inside. I watched her as she was still in a deep peacefull sleep and i sighed resuming my walk towards my own room. I got dressed and packed my bag for school. Downstairs i made myself some breakfast and left some standing for mom, though, i was pretty sure that she would leave it standing again.

After breakfast i looked at the clock and decided it was time to leave for school. During my walk i met up with knuckles and tails as always and we started to talk a bit. Our chat going mostly about what we were planning to do after school as usuall.

We soon arrived at school and i began searching for shadow. But i didn't see him anywhere, though. "ah! sonic!" I heard a female voice call. I looked behind me and saw rouge walking towards me. "hey, rouge." I said and turned fully towards her. "i'm glad i found you." Rouge said as she stood in front of me. "is there something wrong?" I asked a bit in concern. "yeah, i got a text from shadow's sister, maria. she says that shadow has gotten really sick all of a sudden." She said and searched for the text on her cellphone and showed it to me. I read it and sent a text to shadow saying that i would be coming over for a visite. "did she say what he had?" I asked after the text had been sent. "no she didn't." Rouge said and shook her head. "i'm going to visite him after school. i'm having a feeling youw ere already planning that, am i right?" Rouge asked and walked towards her class as the bell started to go. "yes i was. so i suppose we need to meet up at the school gate after school." I said and walked besides her. "yeah we should, bye!" She said and we walked oru seperate ways to our

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