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Sonic's POV

After school me and shadow had gone to his house. We were now in his room and i watched shadow make his...i mean...our homework. I didn't force him to make it. Not at all. Shadow wanted to because he didn't know what else to do. Shadow was soon finished and gave me back my homework and put his away aswell. I sighed. "i know you didn't want me to make it, but i would've been bored otherwise." He said and came to sit next to me on his bed. "you would've been bored even when you did it." I replied. "i had to do something to against the boredom, hadn't i?" He replied and rolled his eyes when started i complaining and bashing on why he shouldn't do that again. "i'm not that fragile." He said with a harsh tone making me go silent as i remember what had led me to see him that way. It wasn't only the scars that i had seen a few days ago during gym that made me think that way. It was also the story behind them. I had asked him multiple times to explain it. He didn't want to at all, but he gets annoyed surprisingly fast and blurted everything out. We were glad that it was just us on the moment and no one else was near. He told me everything about the experiments, project shadow, maria's disease, g.u.n, all in all, his childhood so far. I was devastated to hear all that. never had i been so shocked in my entire life. Shadow had changed after he told me. He was alot harsher now. And our relationship was a little on edge. Maria had once told me that it was probably because shadow was angry that at himself that he told me. I never understood, but apparently shadow is scared that someone would use those facts against him. He probably thinks that i'll use it against him if we were to break up.

Shadow sighed and got up to walk downstairs. I followed him close behind. He walked into the kitchen and got himself a snack. He gave me one aswell and sat down at a table in the kitchen. I sat down at the opposite end of the table and ate the snack aswell did shadow.

Later on we were sitting on his bed again. "are you mad at me?" I asked shadow who still hadn't said a word. "no, i'm just annoyed." He replied. "then why are you annoyed?" I asked. "because i don't like the fact that you see me as something fragile and-" Shadow started, but i was rude enough to cut him off. "it's only logical that you're fragile, you've been through so much." I said and held his shoulders gently. "yes and my childhood didn't make me fragile it made me stronger, i can prove it." Shadow said, but he didn't sound convincing at all by what i've seen a few days ago in gym. He looked like he was about to breakdown when i found out. I pulled my hands back and leaned on my elbows on my knees. "shadow, don't the scars proof it?" I asked making him even more annoyed as he probably knew what i was talking about, but i guess he wanted to hear me say it. "don't the scars proof what?" He asked and narrowed his eyes at me. "don't they proof that you're fragile?" I said unaffraid of the narrowed glare. "no they don't. it doesn't mean that because i have these scars that i'm fragile." Shadow replied with a deeper tone of voice. "yes it does!... weren't you about to cry when i found out about the scars?" I said raising my voice so he would atleast take a moment to think about it. "i'm not fragile." He said and looked away. "i'm not." He whispered and wrapped his arms around his torso. "shadow?" I asked getting worried as i noticed that shadow had started to shiver as if he started to cry silently. "shadow, i'm sorry." I said and laid a hand on his shoulder. "get out of here." He whispered, but it was unaudible to me so i asked him what he said. "Get. Out. Of. Here!" He yelled and threw me out of the room.

I stood outside of the locked front door. I looked at the door. "shadow." I whispered and waited to see if he would maybe open the door for me again, but he didn't. So i turned around and walked home.

Shadow's POV

I sobbed as i started to allow myself to cry. I wasn't fragile. I didn't allow myself to be fragile. If i would show any sort of weakness then anybody would use it agaisnt me. I can't allow that, not after what happened all those years ago. But would sonic do that aswell? I was trying to figure that out for what seems like an eternity.

Soon it had become dark. I looked outside through my window and noticed that it was night. I got up and dressed into my pajama's. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I felt quilty for overreacting like that to sonic. I should appoligize to him tomorrow. I walked back into my own and room and noticed that his bag was still here. I sat down on the bed hugging his bag close. I had only been together with him for more then a week and i already felt like i couldn't miss him at my side. I yawned as i suddenly felt sleep over take me. I fell down on the bed and fell asleep soon after while hugging sonic's bag close unconciously.

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