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Sonic's POV

The days passed by slower then they did last year. Must be because shadow doesn't go to the same school as me anymore. Or maybe it was because i had so much work and barely had any free time. I couldn't spent alot of time with shadow that way. We only got a little bit of time in the morning and evening. Shadow didn't seem though, but i did. Especially now that he was pregnant of me. I didn't like to leave him alone now. I was always wondering what he was doing at the moment and if he got sick or not. I know that shadow can get very weak when he's sick. If he would get sick, then i'm affraid that it could mean bad news for the baby. And i don't think shadow would ever get over the fact that he lost his first child. And since he wasn't even 3 months far yet the chance of losing it is even bigger. I hope he wasn't forcing himself to do stuff at my house that he couldn't handle at the moment.

Shadow's POV

I sighed and put the mop down on the floor. I was finally done cleaning the place. I sat down on the couch and laid a hand on my belly. i was 2 months far now. My belly was a bit hard, but it wasn't showing yet. I smiled. Being pregnant and knowing that there was a living being in you was a weird, but wonderfull feeling. I couldn't wait till i could feel it move.

I heard the doorbell ring and went to open it. "is sonic home?" Sonic's father, jules i learnt his name was, asked. "no, why?" I asked holding the door just a little bit open. He hurt me last time, so i didn't want him to hurt me again now that i was pregnant. "because i need to talk to him." Jules said. "to bad he's not here." I replied and went to close the door, but he stuck his foot between the door and the doorway. "what's your relationship with him?" He asked and forced the door open fully. "none of your bussiness." I said and walked backwards in the house since he walked in. "he's my son, so it is." He said and closed the door behind him. "now tell me. what's your relationship with him?" He repeated the question. I had my back against a wall. I laid a hand in worry on my lower belly. "you pregnant?" He said and chuckled in a mocking way. "yes, s-so what?" I answered. "i see, so my own son became a faggot, huh? i knew that i shouldn't have left him with aleena." He said and got mad. "n-not fully." I said and tried to reason with him. "not fully? what kind of logic is that?" He said and walked forward to me. "c-cause i'm a herm. i-it makes him straight aswell, don't you think?" I said. I was starting to feel a bit scared for our safety. "that doesn't make up for the fact that he is. i know that it's aleena's fault, but i think you have the biggest part in this. so-" He got cut off by someone else who was joining us in the hallway. "leave him alone!" Sonic yelled and ran towards us. "son-" His father started while turning towards sonic, but he got cut off again when sonic grabbed his collar roughly. "don't you even dare hurt shadow!" He yelled and pushed the older hedgehog against the wall close to where i was previouse standing. "if i see you near shadow ever again, i'm-" Sonic started, but he got cut off by me. "sonic, just get him out of the house." I said and opened the door that had slammed close after sonic had gotten inside.

Sonic's POV

I slammed the door close again when the older hedgehog was kicked out of the house. I wrapped my arms around shadow. "are you okay? did he hurt you?" I asked once we had pulled away from our hug. "i'm fine, he didn't hurt me this time." Shadow said and smiled reassuring to me. "good." I said and walked into the livingroom. Shadow followed close behind. I sat down on the couch. "i hope he's going to forget that i'm his son now that he knows that i have a pregnant boyfriend instead of a girlfriend." I said and sighed. Why was he so interrested in me all of a sudden? "i hope so to." Shadow said and sat down next to me and laid his head on my shoulder. "how is that baby?" I asked and leant my head on his. "he didn't harm it, don't worry." Shadow replied and sighed. "good." I said and got up to get something to drink.

Sometime later i had to leave shadow alone again. I didn't want to, but i had a job to go to. "don't worry, i'll be fine." Shadow said to reassure me. "if anything happens just call me okay?" I said and watched shadow nod. "see you later." Shadow said and kissed me. I kissed back as softly as he did. We pulled away and i left to go to my part-time job.

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