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Sonic's POV

I woke up the next morning to find shadow sitting on my lap staring at me. "you're awake." He said and smiled. "i think i am." I said and smiled back. Shadow's smile widened a little and he wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged back. "how are you feeling?" I asked once shadow had let go of me. "i'm feeling a little bit on the weak side, but i'm fine otherwise." He said. I looked down and saw that shadow had small wounds on his knees from tripping last night. They were filthy and had a little bit of blood on it, but they weren't really bad. He grabbed my right hand and held it in both of his hands on his lap. He had that habit once in a while. "we should get going and look for the others." He said staring at our hands. "yeah, we should." I said. Shadow got up from my lap and stood up. I stood up aswell and made my way out of the church. Shadow quickly followed me.

Me and shadow were looking for our friends again. We were still lost and tried to find our camp again. "sonic! shadow!" We heard a voice yell. We looked to our right and saw our friends waving at us. "there they are!" Shadow said and walked towards them while pulling me along. "we were so worried about you!" Rouge said and threw her arms around shadow. "where have you guys been?" Amy asked. "we had to search for shelter in an abandoned church not to far from here when we got seperated. where have you guys been?" I asked and watched shadow eat something. We listened to how the others had gotten seperated from eachother and how they had found our camp back. Shadow gave me something to eat for breakfast.

After breakfast shadow got his scrapped knees cleaned and taken care of with the first aid kit that he had brought along with us. "you two might get cleaned up. you look kinda dirty." Rouge said and pointed at the lake. Both me and shadow sweatdropped at the thought of washing ourselves in a public lake. "you're crazy." I replied and continued staring around. "just get cleaned up!" Rouge said in annoyance of being called crazy and walked off probably towards knuckles. "i think we should get cleaned up." Shadow said and blushed at the thought of us getting a bath together. Me and shadow hadn't washed ourselves together at the same time yet. So i understand shadow being nervous. I wasn't at all nervous. I was more likely excited. When we were at shadow's home alone and we had gone to bed together shadow was still wearing clothes and so was i. So i was kinda excited to see shadow fully naked. I chuckled when thinking about us bathing together. "and that is the moment that sonic's boyfriend had found out that he was quite a pervert." Knuckles told tails and held his shoulder with a serious look. "i can hear you, you know." I said and glanced at knuckles.

Later on me and shadow had followed the lake till we came to a small waterfall that was hidden from the others. Our friends were a while away so we didn't have to worry about being peeked on. "i guess we should go ahead and get ourselves washed." I said and pulled of my shirt. "aren't you going to undress?" I asked as he didn't get his clothes off and just stared at me. "uhm yes." Shadow said and undressed.

When we both had undressed i couldn't help but stare at my mate. Except for those scars, i noticed some on his back i hadn't noticed before, he looked really beautifull. Shadow went into the lake cleaned his fur. I followed him in the water and did the same. Shadow winced as the water touched his scrapped knee through the small bandage. The water touching it made it sting. I smiled and decided to make shadow jump a little. I wrapped my arms around his waist out of nowhere and succeeded my goal. Shadow jumped and gripped my arms. "sonic!" He yelled and turned around. I grinned and chuckled a little. Shadow smiled and laid his head on my chest. He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer. He was smaller then me so it was a bit hard to reach me. Shadow kissed me softly. I kissed back and deepened it all the same.

A minute passed by before we pulled away from our kiss. "i love you." Shadow said and smiled lovingly. "i love you to." I said and pulled shadow into a hug.

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