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Sonic's POV

I woke up next morning. "good morning." i heard someone say. I looked up and saw shadow looking at me with a tired glint present. I had forgotten all about the illness he recieved from being out in that storm during the camping. I felt so guilty all off a sudden. "shadow, you should've gone home and get some rest." I said and got up. "that's what mom...uhm...i mean maria's mother had told me aswell." He said and smiled. I still can't understand why he doesn't call his mother 'mom' instead of saying 'maria's mother'. "couldn't you atleast sleep?" I asked him, but all shadow did was smile sweetly at me. "you're ignoring that sentence, aren't you?" I said and i watched him nod with that sweet smile of his. "are you feeling better?" He asked and looked at my mother. I turned around and looked at her. I frowned sadly. "the doctor said that with wounds as terrible as these that...there might be a chance she won't wake up anymore." I whispered the last part of the sentence. I didn't notice shadow getting up from the chair and wipe away a tear that had fallen from my eye. "oh sonikku." Shadow said and laid his hands on my cheeks. "don't worry. i'm sure that she'll wake up again. i'm sure she will. no matter how long it'll take. i'm sure she'll wake up and go back home with you." He said and smiled at me with that loving smile of his. "i hope you're right." I said smilling back sadly and wrapped my arms around shadow's form and hugged him close. "you're so nice. you're doing so much for your mother. i'm sure that she's very gratefull. and i'm sure that she's very proud of you. and i'm also sure that she wouldn't leave you behind like this." Shadow said when i pulled away from the hug. "you're so sweet." I said and laid a hand on his cheek. Shadow smiled. His knees buckled beneath him and i quickly reacted by holding him up and helping him on a chair. "you should go home before it gets worse." I said and held my hands on shadow's shoulders. "but what about you?" he asked. it was obviouse that he didn't want to leave me here all by myself. "i'll manage. you go home now and come back when you're better." I said and helped shadow up.

We had called shadow's parents and they were waiting outside to pick shadow up. Shadow's father had helped support shadow towards the car in the parking lot. I couldn't believe just how weak he could get if he didn't get any sleep while he was sick. I watched the car drive away. I sighed and walked back towards my mom's room.

Shadow's POV

I looked through the back window of the car. I smiled sadly at him. I hope he would be fine. Maria's parents had been scolding me and lecturing me about running away like that when i was sick. I wasn't listening to them. I knew what they said and knew that they meant well. Afterall, they cared for me as if i was their own child. They've given me this lecture alot, so i knew it from the inside-out. "shadow...shadow...shadow!" maria said and shook me awake from my staring. "hmm?" I hummed and looked at her. "what's wrong?" I asked. "you were spacing out a bit there." She said and smiled.

At home i was laying in my bed again. I realised i was very exhausted as soon as i hit the mattress. I looked at the picture of sonic on my nightstand. "i hope you're okay." I said to his picture as if i was really talking to him. I was so worried about him and his mother and i prayed that they would be both fine. I yawned and felt sleep catch up to me. I gave in to it quickly and fell asleep. I wanted to get some sleep and get better soon so i could go back to sonic and his mother to support him. I couldn't wait till that day came.

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