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Sonic's POV

I looked at shadow in concern. I hope he wasn't getting sick. That would be the last thing i wanted to worry about. "are you okay?" I asked and laid a hand on his shoulder. Shadow nodded and smiled lightly. "i'm fine." He said and took my hand and kept walking. "where could they be?" He asked and looked around.

Some time passed by and i noticed a slight red tint on shadow's cheek. I was getting worried that he really was sick and that he was having a fever. "shadow wait." I said and made shadow stop walking. "hmmm?" He hummed in confusion and looked at me. I laid a hand on his forehead and checked. "you're having a fever." I said and drew my hand back. I could feel my concern grow.

All of a sudden we could both see a bright lighting strike and we both could hear a loud thunder sound. We both jumped a little. Well, jumped was an understatement when talking about shadow. He yelped loudly and ran for it. "shadow wait?" I yelled and followed. Shadow was running away in panic. This was the first time i could hardly keep up. You could blame the weather though. Shadow tripped and fell face first in the mud. "shadow!" I yelled and knelt down next to him. "are you okay?" I asked and helped shadow up. He ignored me and kept running. "shadow! don't run away from me!" I yelled and followed again. We soon saw a big grass field and in the middle of it was an old abandoned church. I saw shadow hurrying towards it and quickly hide in it. "shadow." I whispered and followed.

I walked into hurch quietly and looked around. I could hardly see because it was so dark, but the lightning made it a little bit lighter in here whenever it would strike. And that and the thunder would lead me to shadow because i would hear him whimper everytime. I walked towards the altar. The whimpering got louder the closer i got to the altar. I walked past the altar and noticed shadow hiding beneath it. He was sitting on the floor with his knees against his chest and hiding his face behind them and his arms wrapped around his legs. "shadow, are you affraid of the thunder?" I asked, but i wasn't audible above the loud storm outside. So shadow didn't notice me standing there. I walked towards him and took off my jacket. I wrapped it around shadow making him jump. "sonic?" He whispered and looked at me. I sat down next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Shadow wrapped his arms around my waist and hid his face in my chest.

Another loud thunder strike was heard and shadow lowered his ears. I leant my head on his and held him close. I stroked his top quill softly. He wasn't only shivering from the cold like me, but also from the storm outside. We both waited till the storm passed.

When the storm had passed i looked down to see shadow sleeping against me. I smiled and let him be. Soon i felt myself beginning to feel drowsiness from the lack of sleep the night before and from exhaustion from the long walk. I yawned and blinked slowly. I tried to stay awake, but it didn't take long before i fell asleep anyway. I smiled as i fell asleep leaning against the altar.

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