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Shadow's POV

I came home as soon as i could. maria was pretty worried about me and asked all kind of question. I told her about detention, but i didn't tell her anything about those guys.

I was standing in the shower to wash of the blood of the scratches. i had a small wound on my head and i got a lot of scratches on my back. They only pushed my roughly against the wall and normally anyone would've just got a little sore there. But my skin was very fragile and could get hurt easily. So that's why i had already scratches on my back. The water stinged on the small wounds, but i didn't mind. I went to sleep quickly after i had finished my shower.

The next morning i had woken up later then i normally did. There was a reason for that. My wounds automatically healed themselves if i slept. The wounded i got the more i slept. It wasn't that much of a problem. I was always really early in school, so arriving a bit later then i normally did wasn't bad. i walked downstairs after dressing up and ate my breakfast. i then walked out of the house and towards school.

Sonic's POV

For once i had woken up early much to knuckles' and tails' surprise. I had been thinking about last night. Shadow sure was stronger then he looked. He looked like a frail looking guy and yet he beated up four guys who looked like they ate muscles for breakfast. First the piano and now the beat up. I wonder what other surprises he's gonna give me. I got up and got ready for school. I should get up early more often. More time to get ready for school that way. I got ready soon and walked towards school.

When we arrived at school i saw shadow sitting on a bench. How early does this guy leave for school? "ow come on sonic. a guy like shadow? beating the crap out of those four guys?" Knuckles said mockingly. I had told him and tails about what shadow did yesterday. But they didn't believe me. Tails is pretty open minded about it, but knuckles just doesn't believe me. If someone doesn't have muscles it's weak. That's how he sees it. i wanted to know just how shadow had done it and so i walked towards him to ask again.

"how did you do that last night?" I asked when i stood in front of him. He looked up from his book and asked. "how did i do what?" I don't know if he's just playing dumb with me or if he really wants me to be more pacific. "that beat up last night." I said. "just. how you normally do it." Was all he said before turning his attention towards his book. That answer confused me a little. I kept staring at him so he could maybe give me a better explanation, but he just kept reading so i walked back to my friends. Till i saw amy standing there. I didn't hate the girl, but i didn't feel like getting glomped with a force so powerful that you could blame her that the titanic sank. So i had decided to just sit down next to shadow.

As soon as i sat down he looked weird at me. "i don't like getting glomped by girls." i said. "oh, okay." He said and returned to his book. I felt stupid for saying that. I hope he doesn't get a weird

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