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Sonic's POV

P.E class soon ended much to my dislike. I really liked that class. I changed into my normal attire and walked out of the dressing room. I noticed that shadow had already left for lunch since he was nowhere to be seen in the gym. I wondered how he got friends with rouge though. He's a new student and he's friends with the most popular girl in school. Knuckles got pretty mad when he saw shadow talking with his girlfriends. And some others who had a crush on her were pretty pissed as well. And some aren't the sweetest guys around. He better be careful. They didn't dare to go against knuckles, for the obvious of course, but someone as thin as the new kid? I doubt that he'd stand a chance. I walked out of the gym together with knuckles. Knuckles was looking around to search for rouge. But she was obviously gone with shadow.

When we arrived in the cafeteria we saw rouge and shadow sitting at a table in the corner eating their lunch. Knuckles growled a little in aggression and annoyance. I calmed down. "It's not like rouge is going to have the hots for shadow. She only knows him for a few hours and you for a few years. He wouldn't stand a chance against you." I told him to calm him down. But knuckles ignored me as he grabbed his food and went to sits next to rouge.

Shadow's POV

"you must be knuckles. nice to meet you." I said and outstretched A hand towards the red echidna who had just joined me and rouge at the table. He didn't shake my hand. Only glared at me. So i took my hand back and continued eating. "don't mind knuckles. he's just jealous." Rouge said smiling. "i'm not jealous." Knuckles muttered. Sonic came to our table as well and dragged him towards a different table. I followed the two with my gaze and saw at the table their other friends. He had quite a few i must say. I wish i was able to make as many friends as he had. I sighed and continued eating my lunch.

After lunch i headed towards my next classes. I sat down at my desk and looked at my schedule. There was a second paper which was a list of all my classmates in each class. Surprisingly there was not a single class i didn't share with sonic.

Classes passed by pretty quick. It wasn't as bad as people say it is. But then again, this is only my first day on school. It might get as worse as people say it can when more days pass by. I hope it doesn't. The last bell rang and i got up from my seat.

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