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Shadow's POV

Time passed by quickly. Before we knew it sonic had to go back to school again. And just like i had predicted he was really busy. Not only with school, but also his part-time job and of course his mother. As soon i was better and school had started i kept my promise, one that i had made to myself, and helped sonic by doing his chores so he wouldn't still have alot of work to do when coming home. I wasn't going to school anymore anyway. So i had alot of free-time. Sonic had tried to get me to school, but it didn't work. I completely ignored all his pleas. When my mind was set on something it was hard to change it.

I stood in the middle of sonic's livingroom. I looked around and checked for something else i could do. I was already finished with cleaning. Maybe the fridge was empty? I walked towards the kitchen and opened it. Just like i thought. Completely empty. I grabbed my coat and walked out.

I was making my way to his house with two heavy grocery bags when i felt two arms wrap around my waist from behind. "sonic!" I jumped almost dropping the bags on the floor. "heheh, you seem surprised." Sonic chuckled and leant his head on my shoulder and placed a kiss on my neck. "of course i am." I replied and blushed behind my scarf. "you're so cute when you blush." Sonic said to tease me and made my blush deepen. I smiled and kissed him. We heard some girls giggle and faced them. They were in the same classes as me and sonic. They always giggled when me and sonic showed some intimacy. Must yaoi fangirls. I shrugged the thought away and continued to sonic's house. Sonic offered to carry a bag aswell. We arrived quickly and sonic helped me put away the groceries.

After that was done l watched sonic leave for his part-time job. And soon i was alone in his house again. I went back inside to see if there was something i could do. Since there was nothing else to do i made my way to the hospital. I often visited sonic's mother. I told her what sonic had been up to lately. I was sure that she would be very gratefull to know that since sonic never tells her anything. When he visits her he just sits by her side quietly and waits till she wakes up or till i drag him out. I felt sorry for him. It had been 6 months since the accident. It was 2 weeks before christmas so sonic tried to stay happy in order to stay in the mood for the jolly holiday. But it was obvious that he wasn't happy. Who could blame him? This was the first christmas he wasn't going to celebrate with his mother after all. I sighed in sadness and looked at a nearby picture. On it was sonic's mother. She was laying in a hospital bed with tired look in her eyes. A tired, but a proud look. She was holding sonic when he was just a newborn. He was so cute. I smiled when i looked at the picture.

I found this picture when i was cleaning up and ordering everything. I found alot of photoalbums. Sonic was so cute when he was little. They both must've been so happy when sonic was little.

I heard the doorbell ring and went to open it. I was shocked to see who was standing in front of me. I was getting suspicious about this guy. He didn't really give me a good vibe either. especially since he looked like a certain hedgehog i know so very well. "ex-excuse me?" I stuttered and looked at the tall man in front of me. "is there a certain sonic the hedgehog here?" He asked and looked behind me. "why?" I asked and closed the door behind me. "i'm looking for him." He answered. "why are you looking for him?" I asked. I wasn't certain if he was who i thought he was so i wanted to verify it. "because i'm his father." He answered.

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