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Shadow's POV

I was compeltely speechless as soon as that question at had left his lips. How did sonic know? Did mom tell him? Did he knew about it all along? Did he hear me talk about it to myself? Had he been noticing it? But more importantly. If i told him the truth. Would he still love me?

I just stood there looking stupid. "you are, aren't you?" He sighed and i looked down. "i guess i couldn't be to surprised since you wanted a kid." He said and leant with his forehead against the back of his left hand of which the elbow was leaning on the doorframe. He sounded dissapointed. "i...i..sonic, it...it was accident. it really was." I said stuttering and kept my gaze down. Sonic walked towards me silently. "hey, i'm not mad." He said and laid a hand on my chin gently and made me look at him. "everything has a reason. and if we're having a child, then that reason must be that we are both ready for it." He said and smiled gently. "are you sure?" I asked. "shadow, don't worry. if the kid gets here then i'll be with you to help you rais it. even if it'll be tough with school and a job." He said and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I smiled and hugged back gently. "thank you for understanding." I said and looked up to him. "anything for you." He said and smiled back towards me. I laid my head on his chest again.

We had been standing there for a while before we had decided to go to sleep. I was sitting on my bed waiting for sonic to come. I laid down and placed a hand on my lower belly. I hope we really were ready for this. I wouldn't want to break up with him because we weren't ready for it yet. Sonic soon came to join me in my bed. He laid down next to me. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped an arm around me. I sighed happily and fell asleep soon.

The next morning i woke up and looked at sonic who was still sleeping peacefully. I smiled at him and got up carefully not to wake him up. I walked into the bathroom to get a quick shower.

After the shower i dressed up and walked down the stairs to eat breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and saw everyone, except for sonic of course, already sitting at the table. Mom and dad had off for the whole vacation so they spent their time with me and maria, and in this case, sonic aswell. i walked towards the table and sat down next to maria. "so how are you two feeling?" My dad asked me. "i'm fine, but i can't speak for sonic." I answered and started my breakfast. "i wasn't talking about sonic. i was talking about the third person in your relationship." He said. He seemed to know about the baby to. "you know, huh?" I said and looked down. "we over heard you two talking last night." He said and looked at me. "i see." I said. "don't get the wrong idea. i can't wait till i become a grandfather. i'm so proud of you." He said and smirked a little bit. "thank you for understanding." I i said and looked up to face him smilling.

Some time passed by and it was well after lunch before sonic finally woke up. "good afternoone." I said when he walked into the livingroom. "it's afternoone already?" He yawned. "actually it's almost dinner time." My mom said and giggled a little. "aw man." He said and scratched behind his ear in embarrassement. I smiled at him and got up to get him something to drink.

Dinner and evening went by quickly and soon we were laying in my bed again. "2 weeks huh?" Sonic said and patted my belly softly. "yup, 2 weeks. 2 weeks of the long 9 months." I said and smiled at him. Sonic smiled back. "you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" I asked and laid a hand on sonic's. "i dunno and at the moment i don't care. not yet atleast." He replied and yawned. "good night you two." He said kissing my forehead and fell asleep soon.

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