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Sonic's POV

After school i waited at the gate for rouge to arrive. I looked at my cellphone to see what time it was. Soon it had become dark and i sighed in annoyance. Why was i still waiting here for her? I guess it was because she's a really good friend of shadow's. I looked at my cellphone and saw that i had gotten a text. It was from shadow. 'sonic? i thought rouge said you were coming. did you change your mind? if you did, then please tell me. i would really want to go to sleep.' The text said. Shadow was probably staying awake because he wanted to wait for me. I wonder if rouge had gone over there without waiting for me. I sighed in annoyence again and started to walk towards shadow's house.

Shadow's POV

I coughed and snuggled further beneath my blanket. I yawned and looked at my cellphone to see if i had gotten a text from sonic, but found none. I sighed and laid the thing on my nightstand. I was really tired. I didn't know where this disease came from, but maria's mother said that it was probably just a cold. I didn't like having a cold. It made my nose runny and feel plugged at times, i had to cough alot, had a throatache and felt a little bit of pressure on my ears.

I felt really tired and decided that i would go to sleep. But i quickly shoved that thought away when i heard maria talking to sonic. "sonic?" I said smilling and saw him standing in the doorway. "how do you feel?" He asked and sat down on the side of my bed. "i'm fine enough to go to school tomorrow." I said and sat up. I hugged sonic and sat on his lap. Sonic wrapped his arms around my waist and allowed me to lay my head against his chest. I yawned again and wrapped my arms a bit tighter around his neck trying to hold myself up as i was beginning to doze off. "if you're tired then you should sleep." Sonic said and tried to get me to let go of him. But my grip on him was stronger. "you just got here, i don't want to." I said and snuggled more against him. "how about you go to sleep and i promise that when you wake up that i'll be here for you." He said and i agreed to it even though i didn't want to.

Sonic laid down on the bed while still holding me. I laid my head on his chest again and felt him starting to stroke my quills. My eyes started to sleep close and before i knew it i was asleep.

The next morning i had awoken to find sonic next to me like i he had promised. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He was still sleeping and i didn't want to wake him up. I silently got up from my bed and dressed from my pj's to some fresh clothes. I brushed my teeth after i ate some breakfast and made my bagpack. I grabbed a plate and put some breakfast on it and walked upstairs. Upstairs i put the plate on my nightstand and sat down on the bed to wait for sonic to wake up.

I coughed again and held a hand on my chest as it hurt while i coughed. "are you okay?" I heard sonic's voice besides me ask. I looked at him smilling and saw him staring at me in concern. "yes i'm fine." I told him and kept smilling. He smiled aswell, but his smile was short lived and turned back into a concerned frown as i coughed again. "are you sure you should be going to school today?" He asked and sat up to rub my back and i coughed again. "yes i'm fine." I said once the coughing had ceased. Sonic kept watching me with worried eyes when i handed him the plate with his breakfast. He ate it quietly and soon finished. "i already made your homework." I said smilling. "why doesn't that surprise me." He said and sweat dropped a little. "i don't know." I said and shrugged.

I allowed sonic to brush his teaath with a spare toothbrush i had and waited for him downstairs at the front door. He arrived soon and opened the door. "thank you." I said and walked outside. Sonic followed me quickly and after closing the door behind him walked to school with me by my side.

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