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Sonic's POV

H-his water already broke? I started to feel panic overwhelm me. I didn't know what to do. "do something!" He yelled as he felt his contractions becoming stronger. "but what?" I said and got up. "how about you call dad and make sure he gets me to the hospital?" He yelled and wrapped his arms around his waist. "right." I said and called shadow's parents. I quickly dressed when they let me know that they were on their way. "oh god this can't be happening." Shadow said in panic. "what do you mean?" I asked and got worried. "t-the babies...t-they're coming now." Shadow said. I told him to lay down and try to relax. If the babies were already coming then it meant we couldn't get to the hospital in time. I held shadow's hand and he panted harshly. Shadow winced from time to time when a contraction hit him. At some point the contractions got very painfull and shadow couldn't help but cry out.

Some time passed by. Much to our relief we could hear the door bell ring. I ran downstairs and opened the door. Shadow's family was standing behind it. His mother ran past me upstairs to help her son. She had brought along some medical equipment to help shadow through this ordeal. I ran back to shadow's side aswell and held his hand. His mother checked how far he was. "oh no, he's already ready to start pushing. i'm sorry honey, but we can't drive you to the hospital before the baby is born." She said in worry. "start pushing?" Shadow repeated in panic. "yes, now when i say 'push' you need to start pushing." She said and seperated shadow's legs and put them in the right position. Shadow panted.

After a few moments he started pushing. I held his hand tightly and encouraged him. Shadow had to cry out at times because of the pain. It was so cruel to see him in pain like this. especially when you knew of the bad childhood he had. He had gone through enough pain and i was just putting him through more. I felt so guilty. He was so frail. So frail and i was just putting more pain on his fragile body.

It took a few hours, but finally we could both hear the first baby's cry. Shadow's mother had given me the first child. He was so small. Our first boy had white fur and five up turning quills. Shadow looked at him smilling exhaustedly. "come on, shadow." His dad said and helped shadow up. It would take a while before the second one would come. We used the time between the two children to get to the hospital as fast as we could.

I helped shadow towards his parents' car and helped him into the backseat. I sat down next to him and maria handed him the baby. Shadow's dad started the car and drove to the hospital. On the clock of the car it read that it was 9 AM now. Shadow must be really tired by now.

We arrived at the hospital and drove close to the emergency entrance. I helped shadow towards a nurse who had a wheelchair ready for him. Shadow sat down on it and got wheeled towards a room a doctor had told the nurs to bring him to. The nurse took the baby away from his mother and gave him to me. They told me to wait in the waitingroom. I disliked the fact they asked me to do so. All i knew at the moment was that shadow was in labour again because i could hear him cry out in pain from the other side of the door. It made me feel even more quiltier since i couldn't be with shadow to support him now. All i could do now was wait till this whole event was over.

It took another few hours. It was around dinner time when we had finally heard shadow's cries come to an end. We looked at the door and we saw it open. The doctor held it open and called my name. I walked towards him. "congratsulations." He said and shook my hand. I shook it aswell and walked into the room. "shadow?" I whispered and hoped for an answer. But unfortunatly i didn't hear one? "sh-shadow?" I stuttered in worry. I ran towards him and held his hand. "don't worry. he's only sleeping." The doctor said and laid a hand on my shoulder. The nurse asked for the baby and i gave him to her. She went to do a quick check up on him like they were doing on the youngest. I sat down on a chair and kept holding shadow's hand waiting for him to wake up and for the nurse to come back with our twin.

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