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Shadow's POV

We kept kissing for a while. But we quickly stopped when we both noticed a flashing light. We jumped a little and looked at the doorway to see maria standing there with a camera and a huge smile on her face.

Sometime passed and me and sonic were listening to maria boasting about how happy she was that i finally got a boyfriend. Sonic and me looked at eachother sometime's as she kept happily boasting about it. She walked into the kitchen to get herself something to drink to get a small break from her boasting. We took that as an escape opportunity and ran for it. I walked into my bedroom and sat down on my bed. Sonic sat down next to me. "she talks alot." he said with a smile and i nodded.

Some more time had passed with complete silence between us. We had been kissing a bit more and i discovered what "making out" meant. I got a bit nervouse because i was laying on my bed with sonic on top of me making out with me. I had sometimes heard what making out on a bed lead to easily. And i was ready for that. I couldn't speak for sonic, though, but i didn't want that yet. Sonic stroked my leg and on some point during our make out i had lost my pants. I was now only wearing my shirt. Sonic pulled away from he make out and started kissing my neck. "uhm, sonic? i don't know if i'm ready for this?" I said getting his attention. "not ready for what?" He asked a bit confused. "well, you know. going to bed with you?" I said to try and explain it. "oh that. don't worry, since you didn't even know what a kiss was i kinda figured that you were still a virgin. so i know that you're not ready for it at all." He said and laid down besides me. "oh, okay." I said and laid my head on his chest. I soon fell asleep because i was still sick and his body warmth was comforting.

Sonic's POV

I had realized that shadow had fallen asleep. I thought that it was a chance to go home and make my homework, but i didn't want to wake shadow. It was obviouse that he was still sick so i wanted him to have his rest.

Some time passed by and it was around late evening now. I had send a text message to my mom, like i always do to make sure that mom won't get to worried even though i live with friends and not with her, saying that i wouldn't be going home because i was sleeping over. she said that i should tell 'her' goodnight from her. Mom always thinks that if i'm sleeping over somewhere that i have a girlfriend. I kinda did now, but shadow is a guy and not a girl. So i think that mom would still be dissapointed. Unless shadow turns out to be able to have kids. Everytime i have a girlfriend mom can't stop talking about becoming a grandmother when we graduate. Mom thinks to far ahead. Way to far. I yawned as i felt sleep taking over and soon fell asleep aswell.

Next morning soon came and i woke up lazily. I saw shadow, already dressed in fresh clothes, sitting on the bed staring at me. "good morning." He said and smiled. "good morning." I replied smilling back and sat up. "i thought that you headed home after i fell asleep. but when i woke up i found that you didn't." He said. "i didn't want to wake you up." I said and got my shirt back on. I had taken it off yesterday during our make out session. "i made your homework." He said catching me by surprise. "what? why?" I asked. I wouldn't want anybody doing my work. It makes me feel like i'm taking advantage of someone. "well, i was bored and i figured that you hadn't done it yesterday." He said and showed me my homework. Surprisingly to me shadow had somehow made my homework with my handwritting. "how did you do that?" I asked when i took the papers and looked at them. "i copied your handwritting." He said with a smile on his muzzle. I didn't think that anyone would be capable of copying someones handwritting. "it was easy, really." He said when he saw my confused look. He then got up and got our bagpacks ready for school.

Sometime later we were on our way to school. Shadow said that we had left the house to late. I told him that he shouldn't worry that much. He honestly thought that we were gonna arrive to late. And what do you know, we did. We both got detention again for being late. Shadow sighed obviously not liking the idea of having detention again. I didn't really care if i had detention. It was just a longer schoolday. All alone with just a few students.

Shadow and me sat down at our seat. and for some reason rouge somehow knew that we were together. I noticed that because rouge was loading him with question. I don't know if shadow just told her or if it was written all over our faces. Either way i hope she won't tell anyone. I don't think shadow would want anyone to know yet. I know i don't want to yet. Not untill we were sometime together and till we were both ready to tell others.

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